Lavaya of Nochum Tzvi Potash to Take Place Today
After being delayed for several days by UK investigative authorities, the Levaya of Nochum Tzvi Potash, OBM, an 8-year-old boy who died suddenly and tragically last week, will be held today in London.
The Levaya will take place tonight (Monday) at 6:45pm GMT. It will depart from the boy’s home at 37 Montpelier Rise, Golders Green (NW11 9DT), to the Adas Yisroel Cemetery in Cheshunt, London.
The family will be sitting Shiva at 37 Montpelier Rise, Golders Green (NW11 9DT), until Monday morning.
Shachris – 9:00
Mincha – 3:15 (Friday – 1:00)
Maariv – 7:30 (Motzei Shabbos – Tzeis)
At the family’s request, please refrain from visiting between the hours of 1:00 and 2:00pm, 5:00 and 7:00pm or after 10:00pm.
Memories and condolences can be sent to ypotash@gmail.com.
Hamokom Yenachem Eschem Besoch She’ar Aveilei Tzion V’yerushalaim
Heichal Menachem of Golders Green launches building project; to be named Beis Nochum Tzvi
A family was shattered this week by the tragic death of a young 8-year-old boy. A innocent pure soul snatched from among us, leaving behind parents, brothers and a large family bereaving.
A community was also shocked. Not a dry eye remains among the Jewish community in Golders Green. Thousands of Anash around the world have been touched by this tragic news and feel united in grief with the community in London.
Nochum Tzvi loved going to Shul. He loved his small community of Heichal Menachem. Each time he came, he always offered his help. Though young, he joined with the other children in cleaning the Shul after davening or setting up the Farbrengen. But there were two “jobs” he loved most. For many Shabbosim he would stand near the Bima and help cover the Sefer Torah in between Aliyos. The other job was helping his treasurer father, Yossi, in keeping record of the donations people pledged after their Aliyos.
The last memory the Shul misspalelim have from young Nochum Tzvi is just 72 hours before his sudden passing, as he sat in Shul recording the donations and setting up the Farbrengen, with a smile.
A family shattered and a community broken. Both want to see a lasting memory for this precious soul. The Potash/Garelick families, together with the Heichal Menachem community, are launching a building campaign for a new Lubavitch Community Center in Golders Green, which will proudly bear the name Beis Nochum Tzvi – to never forget the child that loved his Shul.
Click here for more information.
May the family only share in simchas
A beautiful idea to keep his memory in the community
And may this young child return to his loved ones and once again to be part of his new Shul building