Boruch Dayan Ha’emes: Noa Basya Lazarus, 17 Mo.
With great sadness we inform you of the tragic death of a 17-month-old baby, Noa Basya Lazarus, OBM from Johannesburg, South Africa. Her parents, Rabbi Dovid Yaakov and Daniella Rus Lazarus will be sitting Shiva in Johannesburg.
baruch dayan haemet
baruch dayan haemet
Worst tragedy of the year, in fact worst tragedy I’ve heard in a decade… This is utterly sad and my heart if broken, and I would like to actually be in Joberg to console these poor poor parents… Not even a long span of time will fully heal this thing… Very sorry. May you only know of true simchas in the future.
ronna tobin
our deepest sympathy is extended to everyone. may her memories remain in all of your hearts for many long years.
so so sorry, may you give each other strength and may H fill the hole in your lives with comfort, strength and brochos.. may your family only know of happy things from now on.
Leibel F- from CT days
Proud family member
How’s the family sitting shiva if she passed away on zayin teves?
I think it would also be worth posting a link for mishnayos:…
She passed away last Monday.
R“L! How tragic! May the RBS”O Send the family the true nechama!