With sadness we inform you of the passing of Harav HaChossid Hatomim Rabbi Mordechai Meir Hakohen Bryski OBM, longtime resident of Crown Heights who was among the Talmidim of Yehivas Tomchei Tmimim in Otvock and Shanghai.

He is survived by his wife Ethel and children Uri Eliezer Bryski, Rabbi Sholom Dov Ber Bryski, Yitzchok Bryski, Rabbi Aaron Yaakov Bryski, Rochel Tzilka Kohn, Rebbetzin Chave Sarah Einbinder, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Bryski, Rabbi Moshe Dovid Bryski and Rebbetzin Rivkah Leah Katz.

Boruch Dayan Ha’emes: R’ Mordechai Meir Bryski OBM

With sadness we inform you of the passing of Harav HaChossid Hatomim Rabbi Mordechai Meir Hakohen Bryski OBM, longtime resident of Crown Heights who was among the Talmidim of Yehivas Tomchei Tmimim in Otvock and Shanghai.

He is survived by his wife Ethel and children Uri Eliezer Bryski, Rabbi Sholom Dov Ber Bryski, Yitzchok Bryski, Rabbi Aaron Yaakov Bryski, Rochel Tzilka Kohn, Rebbetzin Chave Sarah Einbinder, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Bryski, Rabbi Moshe Dovid Bryski and Rebbetzin Rivkah Leah Katz.

The Levaya will take place tomorrow, Monday and will be leaving from the Shomrei Hadaas Chapels at 10:00am and passing by 770 at around 10:45am.

Boruch Dayan Hoemes


  • Former Student sbg

    A Story told to me by my Rebbe Rabbi Bryski
    Rabbi Brisky at an age of 16 asked his mentor where should he continue his studies , at a Lubavitch yeshivah or a Litvish yeshivah , his mentor said “ Go where is is more B’Simcha ” more freilach .
    Rabbi Bryski was my best Rebbe in Lubavitch yeshivah Bedford and Dean Yeshivah .

    A great Rebbe and a great personality , with children as great pillars of torah and chesed outstanding dedicated shluchim around the world ,
    He will be joining his collegues in Gan Eden, soon with moshiach, he will be with us again .

  • Tila Dubrawsky

    HaMakom Yinachem eschem besoch shaar avelei tsion veYerushalayim.

    former classmate of Chavie Einbinder -Tila (Alperowitz) Dubrawsky

  • nachaster

    He brought alot of nachas with him. its one of the things that those tzadikim can bring to olam haba.