Boruch Dayan Hoemes: Yair Bronstein, 23

With sadness we inform you of the tragic and untimely passing of Yair Bronstein, 23, of Hulon, Israel, who returned his soul to its maker this morning after a prolonged illness.

Yair was a student at Yeshivas Tomchei Temimim in Migdal Ha’emek, Israel.

His Levaya will take place tomorrow in Gush Dan.

He is survived by his parents and sister.

One Comment

  • Baruch Dayan HoEmes

    Wake up yidden. This galus is very deep and bitter. Take this as a wake up call.
    Please take one hachlata to improve your observance of Torah and mitzvos.
    Help a family member, friend or neighbor improve.
    Daven for someone who has the same physical, financial, spiritual or emotional problem as your own child or loved one.
    It can be anything. JUST DO SOMETHING. The alarm clock is ringing. Don’t hit Snooze. Jump up and do something.
    Today I started davening for my friend’s son who needs a yeshuah. What will you do?