Rabbi Duato is sitting Shiva after the passing of his mother, Chana Leah, OBM, at 888 Montgomery St. [between Troy and Schenectady Ave.] Apt. #A9.

Shachris: 7:30
Mincha: 3:10
Maariv: 9:00

Hamakom Yenachem Eschem Besoch She'ar Aveilei Tzion VeYerushalayim

Info to Be Menachem Avel the Duato Family

Rabbi Duato is sitting Shiva after the passing of his mother, Chana Leah, OBM, at 888 Montgomery St. [between Troy and Schenectady Ave.] Apt. #A9.

Shachris: 7:30
Mincha: 3:10
Maariv: 9:00

Hamakom Yenachem Eschem Besoch She’ar Aveilei Tzion VeYerushalayim


  • Gitel & Eliezer Kozak

    Masy she be the one to plead with Hashem for ever4yone now up there where she is not suffering anymore to bring the Moshiach as she wanted so much her4e with her kind wor4ds and initiating the mivtzoyim 18 years ago with her signs she hung up in770. hamokom yenachem eschem bsoch avelei shaar4ei tzion veyer4ushalayim.may she be a melitza yeshora for her dear son and the rest if his family.
    when is shacharis time each morning??? for her lovely nechomo.