Noach Bogatin, 94, OBM
This morning Noach Bogatin, 94, passed away in Brighton Beach. He lived a life of self sacrifice to keep Judaism and merited that his children and grandchildren followed in his footsteps.
His father was Rabbi Yosef Bogatin, who took over his father-in-law, Rabbi Luria as the Lubavitch Rov in Lepel, Russia. His father was later murdered by the Communists, when Noach was in his late teens, for his activities on behalf of Judaism.
Noach learned in the Lubavitch underground in Russia and because he was the son of a rabbi spent many years in prison. This did not deter in his Judaism under the stringencies of the Soviet police, the infamous KGB.
When he arrived in the United States he became active at F.R.E.E. in Brighton Beach, where he resided. He had a wonderful voice and for many years he led the prayers during the High Holidays, with the many unique melodies that he brought from Russia.
Shortly before he passed away, Lubavitch Archives met with him and received many important historical pictures from him. He identified those in the images and was blessed to have had a crystal clear memory up until the day of his passing.
His levaya will take place at 11:30 at Kehila Chapels, 60 Brighton 11th St, Brooklyn, NY.

He was actually 97 years old going to be 98 on Chof Hes Nissan this year.
boruch dayan haemes
bogatin family
ברוך דיין האמת
looking for more about this family name .
from rostov or from mir/
anybody ?
Name is originally form Originally from Novogrudok.
R. Yosef Bogatin learnt in Slobodka and then married into a Lubavitch family of Luria in Lepel. ( White Russia ).