With sadness we inform you of the passing of Henny (Henne Elke) Sufrin longtime Shlucha in England, wife of R. Aron Dov (AD) Sufrin A”H.

She is survived by her children, Shliach Rabbi Aryeh Sufrun (Ilford, Essex UK), Shluach Baila Hecht (Crown Heights), R. Eli Sufrin (FL), and R. Boruch Sufrin (CA).

Boruch Dayan Hoemes

Boruch Dayan Hoemes – Henny (Henne Elke) Sufrin OBM

With sadness we inform you of the passing of Henny (Henne Elke) Sufrin longtime Shlucha in England, wife of R. Aron Dov (AD) Sufrin A”H.

She is survived by her children, Shliach Rabbi Aryeh Sufrun (Ilford, Essex UK), Shluach Baila Hecht (Crown Heights), R. Eli Sufrin (FL), and R. Boruch Sufrin (CA).

Boruch Dayan Hoemes


  • Hindy Lewis

    She will be sadly missed…a lovely lady who together with her husband A”H changed the face of Lubavitch in the UK & achieved so much. Baila, I’m so sorry to hear this sad news & I’m thinking of you.


    We are so very sorry to hear of the loss of your dear mother.
    Sending our condolences, for a long, healthy and happy life.
    From now on, you should only know from Simchas.

  • arye

    we will miss you bubby and you will always be with us
    arye, tamar, avigail, and eliana

  • Raphy Solomon

    I remember “Auntie Henny” as we called her with much love and affection. A wonderfully happy person with a tremendous appetite for life and one of the most unique personalities I have ever met. I was actually in Shonfeld Square on Monday and went to visit her, but she had already been taken to hospital.
    I am sure that in the Zechus of the many many thousands of acts of Chessed she performed and the hundreds of lives she touched in her own special way, she will merit a unique place in Gan Eden(and probably be ordering the Malochim around just a little)
    To the entire family and (especially R. Boruch who was there for me when I needed someone most) I offer my deepest condolence and may Hashem bless you all with only Simchas in the future. Raphy Solomon

  • Danny from Essex

    Aunty Henny
    will always be remembered with a smile on my face, she brightened up every place she walked into, with her wonderful Irish accent and jokes.
    She was a wonderful teacher, and had a lot of patience, she never turned anyone away, and had a heart filled with kindness, she was a great comfort to me at a time of need.
    Wishing Eli, Baila, Aryeh Boruch and Aunty Mar Oruch Yomim, and only Simchas
    And am sure that Raphy is right, she will be ordering everyone around in Gan Eden, and am sure she will bring MOSHIACH NOW omein

  • All of us in London

    I want to add that Hennie is also survived by her only sister, Marlyn, (fondly known by many of us as Auntie Ma) who loyally stood by her side, ALWAYS, and who never missed a single day to be with her at Schonfeld Square; total devotion; May she have the strength to overcome her loss, and only know of simchas from now onwards; We share her pain, all of us , here in London. . and may she have a long healthy life together with her children;
    Hamokom Yenachem Eschem besoich Yerushalaim;

  • English

    There are non who did as much for Lubavitch in the UK as Reverend Sufrin and Mrs. Sufrin. They will be loved by the community for ever.

  • Mendy Solomon

    To Baila, Eli, Boruch & Aryeh.

    Hamokom Yenachem…….

    Thank you for all your parents did for our family over many many years….

    I have many special fond memories of Aunty Hennie and Zeidy Wolfson.

    To Aunty Mar – our sincerest condolences from us all

    Mendy, CD Solomon & Kids
    Short Hills, NJ

    Ps Personally, the Erev pesach Inbelech were not my favorite :-)

  • bluma whitt

    i have wonderful memories of the imbalach til i tried them as an adult ;/

  • Judy Levine

    Henne Sufrin was a true “AISHES CHAYAL”. Although I did not see her for several years,I will always remember her stories whenever she came to New York. She left an everlasting impression on me which will last forever. Sincere condolences to Baila,Aryeh and the entire Sufrin family.
    Judy and Carl Levine and Family

  • Michael Gold

    Farewell Hennie: From the age of 11 Hennie ntroduced me to Chabad and I have never looked back. I still feel the writers cramp I got trying to keep up with her in my lessons.
    I have great memories to keep, I know the work that Henny and A.D. started in N. E London will contiue to grow from strength to strength.

  • chana s

    Always a smile, always a positive word and food, always food.

    You will always be known for your kindness, I will never forget.

    Chana S

  • Eleanor Brickner

    Dear Baila and family,
    I just heard of your loss and extend my sorrow to you. I am fortunate enough to have spend an afternoon with your mother and was deeply touched by her wisdom and only wanted more time to spend with her, so wonderful it was to be in her presence.