The Levaya will take place today, and will be passing by 770 at 4:00pm. From there it will proceed to the Old Montefiore Beis HaChaim in Queens.

Boruch Dayan Hoemes

Levaya Times for Hatomim Nosson Nota Deitsch OBM

The Levaya will take place today, and will be passing by 770 at 4:00pm. From there it will proceed to the Old Montefiore Beis HaChaim in Queens.

Boruch Dayan Hoemes


  • old or new

    Ch info please specify, is it the Old Montefiere or the new?

  • Charles Stern

    Thank you for the new photo, the one that shows him smiling – because that’s how I remember him.

  • Boruch Dayan HaEmes

    The family requested that no one show up at Shomrei Hadas so that they can make it on time to the cemetery (before it closes).

    Hamokom Yenachem Eschem Mitoch Shaar Avlei Tzion V’Yerushlayim!
    May we see the Ultimate Geulah NOW!

  • PR

    Rivky and the gantze Mishpacha the pain is O too great – we love you guys and are here with you!
    With that smile and spirit, let him lead the marching band to Moshiach and may we be reunite together with Am Yisrael in Yershalyim immediately!

  • eli

    I just checked our wedding video, and he’s in it, he looks like such a happy guy!

  • Isser and Sarah Goldstein

    To Dear Cyrel and family,

    We are heartbroken at this most untimely and devastating news..

    May we all aspire to be as special in our many years as this young man was in unfortunately such a short time.

    His friends’ love and admiration for Nosson is a lesson that he has already taught us..May he and his father bring Moshiach now!! by all of their amazing deeds that they accomplished in this world..and may they be holding tight to their dear ones here on this earth.

    We wish you peace, somehow in your hearts.

  • leibl

    nosson u truely were one of a kind,u were an amazing person who did lots of good u helped meany people in meany ways may u rest in peace u will be greatly missed and pray for us next to god to help us make this world a better place for him,us and everything and everyone!!!!!! only good news from now on ad matai!!!!!!!!!