It is with great sadness and deep pain we inform you of the very untimely passing of a young girl Chaya Mushka Itkin, at the young age of 3, after months of suffering a terrible illness.

Chaya Mushka is the daughter of Rabbi Yitzchok and Chanie Itkin, who serve as Shluchim in Chabad of the Upper East Side.

Eight months ago, Chaya Mushka and her mother Chanie prepared for her third birthday. They bought birthday bags and hats, made a pretty cake and spoke about how Chaya Mushka would now be a big girl and light her own Shabbat candle.

Boruch Dayan Hoemes – Chaya Mushka Itkin, 3, OBM

It is with great sadness and deep pain we inform you of the very untimely passing of a young girl Chaya Mushka Itkin, at the young age of 3, after months of suffering a terrible illness.

Chaya Mushka is the daughter of Rabbi Yitzchok and Chanie Itkin, who serve as Shluchim in Chabad of the Upper East Side.

Eight months ago, Chaya Mushka and her mother Chanie prepared for her third birthday. They bought birthday bags and hats, made a pretty cake and spoke about how Chaya Mushka would now be a big girl and light her own Shabbat candle.

At her birthday party, Chaya was not her usual feisty self and complained that her head hurt. Nothing could entice her she looked listlessly at the cake and party favors. Within three days, the doctors found a brain tumor and she was in emergency surgery.

Chaya Mushka Bas Yitzchok’s neshama left the world tonight, the fourth night of Chanukah.

Family members had these messages to all those who took on mitvos in Chaya Mushkas z’chus: Thank you for your prayers and mitzvos; they gave her strength to live her life to the fullest through the last moment and will forever be a z’chus for her neshama.

Please continue to perform the mitzvot you’ve …taken upon yourself in her honor. This brings great merit to her soul and comfort to all who knew and loved her.

At the end of shiva week, mitzvah projects in her honor will be posted on the facebook page. Chaya Mushka accomplished so much in her short life; please remain connected to continue her legacy..

The Levaya will take place tomorrow, Tuesday, and will be leaving from the Shomrei Hadaas Chaple at 10:00am and passing by 770 at around 10:45.

Boruch Dayan Hoemes