Please say Tehilim for…

Please take a moment and say a Kapitel Tehillim for a Refuah Shlaima.

Aviela Meira bas Sara

A young kallah in Australia, who finally found a Shiduch. She married less than a year ago and is 5 months pregnant. Doctor’s just found out that she has carcinoma and said she only about a year and a half to live. She can’t get any treatment because she is pregnant.


  • Moshiach Now

    The Rebbe said that doctors have been blessed with the ability to heal, but not to determine how long a person has to live. May she prove this with a miraculous speedy recovery.

  • Dovid

    Refuah shelaima mamash.

    So many diagnoses today are based on symtomology that can be reversed — sometimes even easily, with palatable diet and some lifestyle (exercise, sleep pattern) adjustments. Worthwhile for so many of us to look into.

    These sites are a wonderful reference to start with:

  • CHQ966

    Dear Dovid…

    uh yeah. could have avoided this with a little mores sleep and some green leafy vegetables.

    you need a cure mister. a cure for your cruelty.

  • Mom from President St

    I’m not a doctor but have been involved with my own family member who was affected by cancer. I know that many pregnant women have been given chemo and delivered healthy babies. I’m not sure about radiation though.
    I’m certainly not a rabbi, but I am under the impression that a fetus may possibly be termed a “rodef” if it prevents it’s mother from seeking life saving treatment.
    I sincerely hope this woman is getting the best advice and care that is available. May G-d have mercy on her and send her a yeshua b’korov!