Please say Tehilim for…
Please take a moment and say a Kapitel Tehillim for a Refuah Shlaima.
Aviela Meira bas Sara
A young kallah in Australia, who finally found a Shiduch. She married less than a year ago and is 5 months pregnant. Doctor’s just found out that she has carcinoma and said she only about a year and a half to live. She can’t get any treatment because she is pregnant.
Moshiach Now
The Rebbe said that doctors have been blessed with the ability to heal, but not to determine how long a person has to live. May she prove this with a miraculous speedy recovery.
Refuah shelaima mamash.
So many diagnoses today are based on symtomology that can be reversed — sometimes even easily, with palatable diet and some lifestyle (exercise, sleep pattern) adjustments. Worthwhile for so many of us to look into.
These sites are a wonderful reference to start with:
Dear Dovid…
uh yeah. could have avoided this with a little mores sleep and some green leafy vegetables.
you need a cure mister. a cure for your cruelty.
Mom from President St
I’m not a doctor but have been involved with my own family member who was affected by cancer. I know that many pregnant women have been given chemo and delivered healthy babies. I’m not sure about radiation though.
I’m certainly not a rabbi, but I am under the impression that a fetus may possibly be termed a “rodef” if it prevents it’s mother from seeking life saving treatment.
I sincerely hope this woman is getting the best advice and care that is available. May G-d have mercy on her and send her a yeshua b’korov!