It is with great sadness and deep pain we inform you of the very untimely passing of Yocheved Chaya Rochel Paley OBM at the age of 26. Rochie was the wife of R. Yaakov Paley and the mother of 1-year-old Yosef Yitzchok.
On Isru Chag Shavuos Rochie didn’t wake up, and in the morning after she suffered a heart attack and was revived but remained in a coma and on life support. Family and friends had set up a website “Rochie's Friendship Network” where people took on Hachlatos and volunteered to say Tehillim in her merit.
The Levaya take place at 1:00pm and will be leaving from the Shomrei Hadaas Chapels and will be passing by 770 at around 1:30pm.
Baruch Dayan Hoemes
On Isru Chag Shavuos Rochie didn’t wake up, and in the morning after she suffered a heart attack and was revived but remained in a coma and on life support. Family and friends had set up a website “Rochie's Friendship Network” where people took on Hachlatos and volunteered to say Tehillim in her merit.
The Levaya take place at 1:00pm and will be leaving from the Shomrei Hadaas Chapels and will be passing by 770 at around 1:30pm.
Baruch Dayan Hoemes
Baruch Dayan Hoemes – Rochie Paley OBM
It is with great sadness and deep pain we inform you of the very untimely passing of Yocheved Chaya Rochel Paley OBM at the age of 26. Rochie was the wife of R. Yaakov Paley and the mother of 1-year-old Yosef Yitzchok.
On Isru Chag Shavuos Rochie didn’t wake up, and in the morning after she suffered a heart attack and was revived but remained in a coma and on life support. Family and friends had set up a website “Rochie’s Friendship Network” where people took on Hachlatos and volunteered to say Tehillim in her merit.
The Levaya take place at 1:00pm and will be leaving from the Shomrei Hadaas Chapels and will be passing by 770 at around 1:30pm.
Baruch Dayan Hoemes
oy vay. that is terrible, absolutely hart-rendering.
May the family know only simachas.
Dear G-d please send moshiach NOW!!!!!
hashem please send moshiach now!!!
Baruch Dayan Emes
Baruch Dayan Emes.
Ad Mosai!
boruch dayen haemes. MOSHIACH NOW
Baruch Dayan Emes.. when will this galus end?
Hashem yerachem aleinu!!
boruch dayan haemes!! how much longer??!?!?!?
i have no doubt she is wreaking havok up there, screaming for moshiach to be revealed already!!
Former Friend
2 girls taken away from us in a months time..
Hashem. Ad Mossai!!
We want Moshiach NOW!
a sad person on shlichus
this is so sad!!! i cant believe my eye’s. She looks like such a nice, heart warming innocent women. how can she be taken from us so soon
miss her even thought i dint know her
Boruch Dayan Ho’Emes – How can we understand such trials. May the family be comforted. And we should only hear GOOD news!
i feel terrible!
I can’t believe this is allowed to happen! Hashem, we need Moshiach now!! I’m seriously devastated. Rochie was such a nice, good, chasdishe person. May her family be comforted and know of no mopre sadness! May we be reunited with Rochie with the coming of Moshiach now!! I feel so guilty going on with the daily pettiness when the world is shaking.
Enough is enough, no more suffering or hearing bad news. MOSHIACH NOW!!! May we merit to hear the sound of the shofar NOW
no words…!!!!!!! families tauber and paley:
hamakom yenachem eschem besoch shear aveilei tsion virushalayim
Yaakov! My heart is shattered for you! May the Aibershter truly comfort you in a way that you truly deserve!
A Shliach
To her husband and family:
May you be comforted and find the strentgh to keep on going, as she surely wishes.
A Shliach from far whose heart is bleeding with you.
member of CH community...
May her husband and son, may be comforted with a full embrace from Hashem and His emisseries/shluchim.
To both the Paley and Tauber families:
Hamakom yenachem eschem besoch shear aveilei tsion virushalayim.
Boruch Dayan Hoemes. We’ve been saying tehillim for Rochie since Shavuos and are sad to hear the terrible news. At times like these, we feel so helpless, but there is something we can do. If everyone who was at the levaya (or who heard about Rochie) takes on one mitzva in her memory, it will help ease the pain a little bit and bring Moshiach a bit closer. May the families be comforted and may they know no more pain. Ad mosai! Moshiach NOW!
baruch dayon haemes.
hamokom yenachem eschem besoch shaar avlei tzion viyerusholayim.
we don’t understand hashem’s ways. we can’t even attempt to.
all we can do is add in torah and mitzvos, in genuine ahavas yisroel to bring moshiach closer.
take on one small thing.