R. Shmuel Wolvovsky, Arik and Raya Raskin along with thier children, Levi Raskin (Rancho S. Fe, California), Doba Mintz (Vail, CO), Moshe, Getzy, Simcha, Mendel, Chassi and Mussie Raskin are sitting Shiva until Erev Shabbos, after the very untimely passing of their dear wife, daughter and sister Mrs. Chana Wolvovsky OBM.

Address: 1416 Carroll Street
Shacharis: 9:00am, Mincha: 8:10pm, Maariv: Bezmana
Email: arikraskin@hotmail.com

Hamokom Yenachem Eschem Besoch Shaar Avaylay Tzion VeYerushalayim.

Info to be Menachem Avel R. Shmuel Wolvovsky and the Raskin family

R. Shmuel Wolvovsky, Arik and Raya Raskin along with thier children, Levi Raskin (Rancho S. Fe, California), Doba Mintz (Vail, CO), Moshe, Getzy, Simcha, Mendel, Chassi and Mussie Raskin are sitting Shiva until Erev Shabbos, after the very untimely passing of their dear wife, daughter and sister Mrs. Chana Wolvovsky OBM.

Address: 1416 Carroll Street
Shacharis: 9:00am, Mincha: 8:10pm, Maariv: Bezmana
Email: arikraskin@hotmail.com

Hamokom Yenachem Eschem Besoch Shaar Avaylay Tzion VeYerushalayim.