Mivtzoim at the Israeli Day Parade

New York, NY — Lag BaOmer — Over a hundred people put on Tefillin this Sunday at the Israel Day Parade thanks to a group of bochrim with help of the Mitzvah Tank Office. Thousands of brochures on Shovuos, Neshek Etc were given out.

More pictures in the Extended Article!


  • John


    So great I really, really love your work!

    More and more Jews are performing Mitwos because of you and your help from HaShem!


  • lc

    itzchokaizik, the did not join the israeli day parade, they were outside the parade and provided a service for those who were coming and going from and to the parade.

  • M. Lerner

    Peretz G.
    Very nice!!! Keep up the great work!!!
    I enjoyed your ‘hearo’ in the kovetz!!!