Photos: Wheelin’ Sukkas All Over New York!

Sukkah Mobiles roundup from the Mitzvah Tank Org.

A record fleet of 35 Sukkah Mobiles and 8 extra large Sukkah Mobiles on flatbed trailers (including the worlds largest Sukkah Mobiles, each at over 50 feet long!) travelled throughout New York City this Sukkos.

Dozens of Bochurim were assigned to Sukkah Mobiles and dispatched every morning to Shluchim across the City, as well as to locations as far out as Philadelphia and Boston. They reached out to countless Yidden, shaking lulav with young and old and inviting all to hop aboard a make a Brocha in the Sukkah.

Estimates based upon the daily reports have it that over 18,000 lulav shakes were achieved by the Sukkah Mobiles this year. Not surprisingly, one of the hotspots this year was the infamous Zuccotti Park, where hundreds of demonstrators shook lulav each day, and welcomed the warmth and joyous spirit of the Sukkah Mobiles. The presence of the bochurim didn’t go unnoticed by the press too, and when approached by reporters as to their opinion, a bochur quipped “We are not here for the protest, but rather for the traffic which the protest generates.”

The Sukkah Mobiles are an annual project of the Mitzvah Tank Org. under the auspices of Lubavitch Youth Org.