Yom Kippur in Bangalore

Rabbi Tzvi Rivkin and his wife Noa are Completing their Third year on Shlichus and they had Bochrim Yisroel Karasik and Tzali Wilschanski on Merkos Shlichus to India after arriving in the city of Goa before Rosh Hashana they flew to Bangalore for Yom Kippur.

Bangalore, known to many as Electronic City hosting companies from Google to Amazon has many westerners coming and going working in the city.

Close to 50 families are in touch with Chabad center now.

Starting with Kapporos and continuing through out Yom Kippur we had many people joining us – with many guest filling up the guest house/hotel we have down the block.

We had two people here who have not been to Shul on Yom Kippur in 20 years says Rabbi Rivkin — I must give a big Yasher Koach to the two Bochrim for doing Mivtza Teffilin and Bikur Bayis and making this Yom Kippur the first one where we had a minyan throughout all the Teffilos.

And a special thank you to Rabbi Kantor Head Shliach to Thailand for making this all possible.