Roving Rabbis in Montreal

Rabbinical students Ephraim Oster and Yisroel Sternbach just completed an intense 2 week visit to Town of Mont Royal, Montreal. Under the guidance of Chabad TMR director Rabbi Moshe Krasnanski they divided their day between appointments with local Jewish businessman and family visitations.

“We managed to reach many people who may have heard of Chabad but have never taken the step to get involved, hopefully they will now be less inhibited and take advantage of the great opportunities right on their doorstep” said Oster.

A lot of the people we met were extremely excited for us to come over and discuss Judaism with them, particularly with the High Holidays coming up it was a great opportunity for them to hear about the Chassidic approach to this important time of the year” added Sternbach.

The boys made a tremendous impact with their vibrancy and sincerity and although their stopover was brief their effect was powerful. “It was a great experience and we learned a lot of stuff on the way, people are really thirsting for knowledge about their heritage and we were just happy to answer their questions and clear up any misconceptions” they added.

The 2 New York based students were sent by Merkaz Linyonei Chinuch – Roving Rabbis summer program. “We are already looking forward to next summer though I doubt it could beat this one” concluded Oster.


  • sumgai

    efi and yisroel!!!!!! nice work!
    ps efi you’re looking very professional at that desk!

  • #1 sis

    hey bro thats you you are doing a gr8 job misss you tonzzzzz cant wait to see you soon!!!!

  • dovid

    Yisroel you are doing incredible work and very chassidishe too, particularly by explaining people the chasidish approach to Judaism. Keep it up and hatzlaca

  • yltian

    Wow! Yasher Koach! Hatzlacha Rabba from now on, forever! We want Moshiach NOW!!!