Denesha Whyte - Antigua SUN

ST JOHNS, Antigua — Two Rabbis; Yosef Chaim Laima Barber and Moshe Katz are visiting Antigua and Barbuda under an annual Jewish outreach programme.

The programme falls under the umbrella of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement, which is geared at bringing Jews closer to their heritage.

Rabbis Hold Outreach in Antigua

Denesha Whyte – Antigua SUN

ST JOHNS, Antigua — Two Rabbis; Yosef Chaim Laima Barber and Moshe Katz are visiting Antigua and Barbuda under an annual Jewish outreach programme.

The programme falls under the umbrella of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement, which is geared at bringing Jews closer to their heritage.

Each summer, 400 Jewish students in groups of two, set off to far parts of the globe from the Chabad headquarters in New York. They do this in an attempt to reach out to their fellow Jews anywhere they may be.

This is the third visit to Antigua and Barbuda for the two visitors. Other groups have visited the island, including last September to celebrate Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur and again in April for Passover.

The men arrived in Antigua from St. Lucia on Monday evening and will be staying in Antigua for one week. During their stay, they will meet with Jews and will be providing them with kosher meals, Jewish articles and any other items they may need and cannot access ordinarily.

They will also be making stops in Anguilla and Barbados as a part of their group outreach, focussing on the Eastern Caribbean.

Already, they have been able to make contact with 10 of the documented 30 Jews on island and hope to later add more to the list.


  • proud friend

    Joe you rock!!! Good on you guys!!!!! you should have much mazal and hazlocha!!

  • we are so proud

    hay moshie we are so proud of you we love you and miss you so much good luck keep up the good work that your are foing and the good work that you always do !!!!!

  • Yeka Foreva

    hey laims
    nice you are awesome
    lovya having a blast here in ukraine

  • Kimberly O-Flaherty

    Are there Rabbi’s that live on Antigua? I am a wedding planner and have a couple who wants to be married there but cannot afford to bring their own Rabbi with them. I would appreciate any information you may have! Thank You!

  • Daniella

    I am moving there for medical school. How can I keep in touch and know when you are here?

  • Molly

    Does anyone on this thread have info about Kosher in Antigua? Any advice is helpful!

  • Julie Bernstein

    I may be going to Antigua next week. Can anyone put me in touch with Jews who live there who observe Shabbat?