Every year for Pesach Merkos Linyonai Chinuch sends Hundreds of Bochrim to lead Sedorim in communities around the world making it possible for thousands of more Yiddin to partake in the Pesach experience.

While every year has a greater success then the one before it, this year it is being taken to a whole new level. Any Shliach that would like to have Buchrim help with the sedorim will be helped By Merkos.

Pesach Merkos Shlichus for all Shluchim

Every year for Pesach Merkos Linyonai Chinuch sends Hundreds of Bochrim to lead Sedorim in communities around the world making it possible for thousands of more Yiddin to partake in the Pesach experience.

While every year has a greater success then the one before it, this year it is being taken to a whole new level. Any Shliach that would like to have Buchrim help with the sedorim will be helped By Merkos.

“It is our hope that this service will enable you to reach many more Yidden this year” Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky vice chairman of Merkos wrote in an email to Shluchim

Registration opened to today for Shluchim and Bochrim that would like to take advantage of this years offer at www.merkosshlichus.com

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