Shluchos with Multiples Inspire One Another
Over the 22nd of Shvat weekend there were many different workshops, farbrengens and get-togethers catering to the Shluchos gathered for the Convention. One meet up, though, was different. While many lecturers addressed priority topics, such as those related to chinuch, family, budgeting and a whole lot more, one was missing: Handling multiples.
While other Shluchos trekked home to their hosts late Thursday night, close to two dozen women made their way to a meet up with other Shluchos who are mothers of multiples. Representing other moms of multiples worldwide were women who lived as close to Crown Heights as Queens, Long Island and Williamsburg and as far out as Toronto, Chicago, Texas, California, Nevada and Hawaii.
Jewish Moms of Multiples, Masters of Multi-tasking, an online Facebook group created a few years ago, has recently begun arranging events in Crown Heights where moms of multiples can meet up with one another.
The featured speaker at this gathering was Mrs. Devorah Loschak, Shlucha to S. Barbara, California and mother to twelve beautiful and healthy children, including triplets.
Mrs. Loschak, who went on Shluchos 36 years ago, shared her experiences of living out of town, having no family nearby, raising her family and balancing a healthy lifestyle. Having her triplets was no easy feat; at that time, the local hospital only had three NICU beds available and wouldn’t be able to accommodate. She spoke about her travels back and forth to the nearest hospital to her town. As multiples have a higher risk factor, Mrs. Loschak shared her constant challenges of being at appointments for checkups while also being a mother to her other children. She went on to describe how in the later months, when she was on bed rest, people would still come by and often want to visit with her not knowing her critical condition.
There was a story of a yungerman who chanced on their home in S. Barbara while his family member was in the hospital. As difficult as it was, being on bed rest and all, Mrs. Loschak still hosted him for two weeks. Although her physical activities were limited and she wasn’t able to go out and teach in school, she made it her priority that her children get the right chinuch and started homeschooling them.
The women enjoyed the light hearted, funny and intriguing stories of her experiences raising triplets. Everyone felt they were able to relate to the drama and trauma having multiples can bring.
Being a mom to multiples or not, all agreed it narrows down to one’s attitude.
You wake up and tell yourself, Hashem has given me multiple blessings, it’s now in my power how to raise them. Mrs. Loschak also focused on taking care of personal needs, aside from the everyday Shlucha work and raising a family.
At the end of the event, a raffle sponsored by Lullaby Baby was made, and one lucky Shlucha went home with a set of Magna-Tiles. Rishe Deitsch, who graciously hosted the event at her home, gave out a free copy of the N’shei Newsletter, which featured an article on raising multiples.
One mother of triplets, Manya Lazaroff, Shlucha in Texas, spoke about having to leave her town for a few months to be near another hospital. Multiples are unique, especially in the smaller cities that can’t always accommodate high risk births. She continued: “The Facebook group is awesome, and it’s even more amazing to come to Crown Heights and not only meet up with other Shluchos and discuss work related issues but to also have an opportunity to network and share with other moms of multiples, with their unique and positive experiences.
Mother of twin boys Hindy Sossover from Toronto was extremely excited to meet up with other moms to listen and share mutual experiences. “Raising twins is amazing and rewarding as much as it is challenging,” she said.
“I want to extend a big thank you to Rivky Perl for making a way for moms of multiples to connect with others, not only online but in person as well,” F. S., a mother of twin girls from Long Island said.
An appreciative thank you goes to the co-sponsors of the night: Mr Greens, First Quality Products, Lullaby Baby and Rishe Deitsch.
For more information, visit https://www.facebook.com/groups/324786587560529/.
Photos by Itsik Roytman
Rock on Rivky!