Gallery 4: Roll Call and Spontaneous Dancing
Photos By: Rivka Kashanian
Every event has its pinnacle – high point – and for the Shluchos that is when they all get recognized in the annual roll call where each continent, country, state, and city gets an honorary mention. Capping that moment is when the Shluchos join hands and break out in a lively dance.
goooooooooooooooooo elf
go elf
ur friend
ester golda!!! so nice to see you :)
Go Kahanov’s, Feldmans, and Zimmerman!!!
A Friend
Malkie & Devorah Brennan you look great together. Your daughter Chaya Goldberg was awesome thursday night & your husband R’Lippa is always the quiet engine behind the Kinnusims success.
Go chanie shmotkin and Rochel (Raices) idk your last name now sry..
hey chanie
go chanie wolowik
Nice pics!
goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo morah(s) ceitlinnnnnnnnnnnnnn and shmotkinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
yay goldie and chana markovits!! love seeing you!
ur sister in law
Go Aliza silberstein
Concerned Mother-in-law
Thank you very much for the beautiful pitures of the Kinus Tzeirei Hashluchos Banquet.
And of course a big ‘Thank You’ to Rivka Kashanianv for these great photos!
Funny pictures
What are the red flags? A tribute to Communism or something to do with bulls?
what-s with the red flags?
can some one explain?
Leah Chana G.
Great looking banquet. Job well done to all those who made it possible! The pictures are beautiful and I am sure that it was even more beautiful in person.
change it
the dancing is no longer spontaneous, it really sounds silly!!!
nice i wanted more dancing
att #3
Hi number 3!
thanx- can u let me know who u r?
To #12
Why are you a “concerned” M.O??