OU Kosher Alerts Community As Patis Bakery Stops Being Yoshon
by CrownHeights.info
The OU Kosher Certification has released a Kosher Alert for the Jewish community to a change in status for the Patis Bakery chain, which has a location in Crown Heights.
“Effective November 4th, 2024, all Patis Bakery locations are no longer Yoshon,” the OU Kosher wrote.
According to the CRC, a minority of people who eat kosher hold a higher standard called “yoshon”, which essentially means that they will not eat any wheat, oats, or barley until it has been “in existence” for at least one occurrence of the Pesach holiday.
While it is considered by some to be a “Chumrah”, it is a question to ask your personal Rov.
Patis Bakery filed for Bankruptcy in June of this year, closing some stores but keeping many, including their Crown Heights location, open for now.
re: a minority of people who eat kosher hold a higher standard called “yoshon”, actually, the majority of the yeshivish/Litvish world are very strict in keeping Yoshon. It is something that most in Chabad allow!
Chabad has a lower standard than the Misnagdim?
Chabad has a lower standard in many areas besides Yoshon! Many Yeshivish/Litvish insist on chickens with “split-backs” (cut open) for the salting process to reach everywhere. Very few in Chabad keep this, and the regular chickens are not up to this standard! Likewise, we are lax about being careful with bugs in vegetables (leafy, broccoli, cauliflower, herb) and fruits (blackberries, strawberries,
Answer by Rabbi Chaim Hillel Raskin – Rov in Kfar Chabad Beis, Israel:
The Torah says that one may not eat the new crop of grain (chadash, “new”) until the karban haomer is brought on the sixteenth of Nissan. Any grain of the five types which took root before then is permissible (now yashan, “old”); otherwise, it must wait for the next karban haomer.
Nowadays, when there is no karban being brou
Indeed, there is an opinion of the Ba”ch that permits Chodosh (nowadays in Chutz Laaretz), so there is a leniency. But in fact: There are many areas of halacha that have opinions offering leniencies (including relying on the Government regulators that the milk is from a cow, and using shavers etc), but in Chabad, we try to keep higher standards.
Nonetheless,sometimes there’s also the consideration of שלא להוציא לעז על הראשונים, plus in this case we have a maaseh rav from the Baal Shem Tov permitting it.
שלא להוציא לעז על הראשונים, I eat once a year cholov akum, because my zeidies who were Ehrlich yidden, were served choliv akum in their yeshivos in America of old. Mind you, they also shaved…
Wake up and realize that misnagdim have many chumros in kashrus that many of us are lax in. Some of my misnagid relatives won’t eat in my house because products I use om my house are with only an OU (without the extra hechsherim). And I served freash broccoli salad – big no no! And I didn’t even realize the cereal or flour wasn’t yoshon. They were horrified!
Don’t invite Misnagedim.
Crown Heightser
Since when are we supposed to be the frummist kehilah around?! Just be frum.
There are Lubavitcher Rabbanim that say we should be machmir and for sure choose Yoshon if there is an option. See Rabbi Chaim rappaport of England here
and here
See some background from Rabbi Mondshine here on the Baal shem