Women Across The Globe To Add 50,000 Minutes To Shabbos By Lighting Early

We don’t have to tell you about the situation. 

This week is Shabbos Breishis, the first Shabbos of the year.

Vzakeini is a tefilah battalion: the largest tefillah group in the world. 

Our hearts already yearn to bring more life to Am Yisrael. 

We can use our collective kochos to strengthen our merits and protect our bothers and sisters in danger. 

Shabbos is when we literally bring light into the darkness. The zchus of Shmiras Shabbos cannot be overstated. This Shabbos, we will together try to add thousands of Minutes of Shmiras Shabbos by together, being mekabel shabbos a few minutes early.

We humbly ask that this Shabbos you join us and be mekabel shabbbos early. You can choose any amount of minutes. Please sign up seperately for all members of your family that will join.

To bring more light into the world

To bring more protection into the world 

To bring more peace into the world. 

Join Bonei Olam Vzakeini by adding your minutes Here.

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