Universal School Nutrition Is In State Budget Negotiations, Contact Your Legislator Today

As a result of the advocacy of Agudath Israel and the Healthy School Meals for All coalition, the New York State Assembly and Senate have included Universal School Nutrition funding in their budgets. This means that the state and Federal government would cover the cost of all students participating in the breakfast and lunch programs, not just students from low-income families. This would enable many more yeshivos and day schools to participate in the program and provide free breakfast and lunch to tens of thousands of children in your community not currently receiving a free nutritious meal.

Legislative leaders and Governor Hochul are currently negotiating the final budget. We are all aware of how significant this would be for yeshivos and families. Your voice is critical to ensure that the momentum continues to push this important initiative forward. Please use the form below to contact your legislators to support this bill. We also urge you to share this with your friends and acquaintances and encourage them to participate as well.

Legislators Can Be Contacted Here