Community Wide Search After Sefer Torah Found On the Street In L.A.
by CrownHeights.info
Do you know who this Sefer Torah belongs to?
A Los Angeles Jewish community member walking in Downtown L.A. on Sunday, found a Jewish treasure apparently discarded on the street. A complete Sefer Torah, in what is described as in good condition and with a gartel, was found still mostly rolled up next to a bus stop.
Taking the treasure home, the community member clued in the local organizations, including the Magen Am, a non-profit organization dedicated to the creation of essential armed security teams within the Jewish community.
“It’s been a collaboration of nearly the entire L.A. Jewish community,” Magen Am founder Rabbi Yossi Eilfort told CrownHeights.info.
Shuls were called, organizations notified, and even museums contacted in the search for the owner.
As of yet, there has been no luck in tracing the owner, a mystery that gets larger with each passing day.
Do you have any information on the owner of this Sefer Torah? Reach out to Magen Am at 310-515-5310

They should wrap it in a talis not a blanket