Mesechta Quiz Adds Basic and Advanced Options
Many people concluding learning Mesechtas have come to anticipate Daniel Shmerling (a 12-year-old boy from Australia)’s popular quizzes, with one question per daf.
The Mesechta Rosh Hashanah quizzes are now available below.
Mesecha Rosh Hashanah discusses a number of topics, including Kiddush Hachodesh (sanctifying the new month/ the Jewish calendar), when the year begins regarding an array of areas of Torah, Shofar and the Tefilos (prayers) of Rosh Hashanah, and Rabban Yochanan ben Zakai’s enactments which strengthened Jewish life in the precarious time immediately following the Churban (destruction of the second Temple).
In response to requests for an easier quiz option, two quizzes were produced for Mesechta Rosh Hashanah: the standard multiple-choice quiz and a simpler ‘true and false’ quiz.
Congratulations to Aryeh Rosen for his first place result, Eliezer for his second place result and Lew for his third place result in the Mesechta Beitza quiz.
Multiple choice quiz (more advanced):
Multiple Choice Quiz
(After two weeks, please use this link:
True or False quiz (more basic):
True and False Quiz
(After two weeks, please use this link:
To sign up for more quizzes and aids to Gemara learning, please email: