Healthy Baby Delivered On Flooded Highway In Peak Of Storm


Amidst the tragic news pouring into YWN today, there is this news item, which had a happy ending.

During the peak of last nights deadly flooding in New York City, Hatzalah of Washington Heights and Riverdale Hatzalah proved themselves to be heroes.

A car with a woman in active labor was caught in the gridlock caused by the torrential rains last night–heavy traffic, multiple road closures, and extensive roadway flooding.

Hatzolah volunteers from both neighborhoods worked together for over an hour to access the patient, including 2 crew members who took equipment and ran a half-mile to get to her to provide care until the ambulance could arrive.

The baby was delivered in the car and, B”H, everyone is healthy & doing well!

Sources tell YWN that Hatzolah dispatched two ambulances to try and reach the scene. One from Washington Heights and one from Riverdale. The Washington Heights ambulance tried four approaches to the ramp to get to patient before being successful as many roads were flooded.

Ben Langstein RD-42 (drove the Riverdale ambulance through flood waters) when it was decided that two members RD- 89 and RD-30 would run to the patient on foot, going 1.2 miles in 15 minutes through waist high flood water.