Did You Learn Meseches Sukkah? Take This Quiz and See How Much You Know
Today, many people around the world will be concluding learning Mesechta Sukkah within the Daf Yomi cycle. Most of them will not still be under lockdown like they are in Australia, and most are not twelve years old.
Daniel Shmerling is a twelve-year-old student at Yeshivah College (Oholei Yosef Yitzchok Lubavitch) in Melbourne, Australia. For much of the last year and a half, schooling has been online, due to corona restrictions. With more time at home, Daniel decided to take on a new project: Daf Yomi.
“While six lockdowns haven’t been easy, they have also created opportunities,” he explained.
As a chazara for himself and for his family, he created an online quiz, with one multiple choice question per daf. He later allowed the quiz to be shared more broadly.
Click here to join the quiz and see some highlights of Mesechta Sukkah: https://quizizz.com/join?gc=53737014