Recipes for the Body and Soul, Shavuos Edition

Jewish women and mothers around the world are reaching for their phones and computers as they prepare their Shavuos shopping lists and menus. They all have a secret helper that they have come to rely on the past few years to get organized and inspired to prepare for the many hours of shopping and meal prep that goes into each yom tov! This year’s edition of Recipes for the Body and Soul published by Devorah Leah Wagshul from Los Angeles, features both a milchig and fleishig edition of recipes, helpful meal organizers, and of course divrey Torah to inspire!

This year Devorah Leah is asking her readers to support a special camp fund created last year to help Jewish children afford to get a break and be inspired at a Jewish summer camp, called the Yad Etka camp fund named after her husband’s grandmother Etka bas Avrohom who always loved to help with camp. CLICK HERE to visit the Yad Etka website.

As we are approaching Shavuot, the holiday of the giving of the Torah, it says that the Jews encamped like one man with one heart.

We have many families who are still not sure about what they are doing with their kids because they can’t afford camp when they BH have a large family and a tight income. Last year, through our Yad Etka Camp Fund we were B”H zoche to help 20 families send their kids to camp through your help. If you can help make smiles on other kids’ faces so they don’t feel deprived and have an incredible summer like our own kids this will definitely make Hashem proud!

I’m sure that in the zechus of our Ahavas Yisroel we will be given the Torah Chadasha with the coming of Moshiach now!

CLICK HERE to view the 2021 edition of Shavuos Recipes for the Body and Soul.

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