New York State Provides Guidelines For Tishrei


New York State Commissioner of Health, Howard Zucker, has published a list of guidelines to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the Jewish community over the holidays of Tishrei.

Published onSeptember 16th, the guidelines followed the basic principals of social distancing, limiting contact, and hygienic methods used to prevent the spread of germs.

Zucker advised the Jewish communkty to make any services outdoors as much as possible, noting that a sukkah is considered outdoors, but still would require social distancing.

For Rosh Hashana, the advisory pointed out a method of shofar blowing that would cover the wide end of the shofar with a face mask, while another option was to blow it facing a window, presumably to reduce the chance of the virus being spread under the high pressured air being expelled.

Any person witha  fever over 100 degrees was advised not to attend services, with mask use mandatory at all times.

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Guidance for Jewish High Holidays 2020 COVID final (1)”]