COVID-19 Exposure in Miami After Man Tests Positive, But Continues Attending Minyanim
by CrownHeights.info
It’s unfortunate when someone tests positive for COVID-19, it’s inconsiderate when they decide to infect others.
According to a memo sent to the local community, a North Miami Beach, Florida shul regular tested positive for COVID-19, but decided to continue attending minyan three times a day.
“There was an individual in the North Miami Beach community who tested positive for covid on July 10, 2020,” the Shul wrote. “Despite that fact that he knew he was positive, and despite the fact that he and his family members became ill, he felt it was still important to daven shachris, mincha and maariv daily at Kahal chassidim for the week of July 12 up until Thursday July 16.”
The Kahal Chassidim Shul, located in the Jewish area on NE 172nd St, remained a hub for the Jewish community for davening throughout the pandemic.
“If you were in Kahal Chasidim during this time, please know that you may have been exposed. Please be extra careful and on guard if you are high risk or if you are in contact with someone high risk.”
The president of the Shul, Chaim Meisels, has been informed of the exposure and is consulting with medical experts to see what steps are now needed with regards to quarantine for those who were in kahal chassidim this past week.