Internet Connected Devices Available For Remote Learning


Do you have enough computers for each of your children to connect to their school?

It’s a new dilemma that has rocked the Jewish communities of New York City, and an unexpected one.

To fill the need, Mayor Bill DeBlasio has pushed an initiative to give 300,000 internet connected devices to those who need to get their school children online.

“We want every student to take advantage of distance learning online learning,” DeBlasio said. “We are distributing now 300,000 ipads with the ability to get the coverage that people need with Wi-Fi, any student that doesen’t have the device can reach out via 311.”

Initial announcements of the initiative left private schools in a grey area, not necessarily allowing the those students access to the devices. Cuomo officially opened the initiative to all schhol children on Tuesday.

“No students should be deprived of online learning, if any family needs help all you gotta do is pickup the phone and call 311 and we will get that student plugged into online learning.”

To date, over 70 Jewish schools have been approved to get the devices, including Beth Rivkah in Crown Heights.

You can also apply for a device online, at

See below for a full list of schools already approved:

Aleph Bet Toddler Care.
All My Children.
Alphabet Academcy.
Beth Rivkah
Baais Yaakov Faigeh
Bais Sarah
Bais Tziporah
Bais Yaakov Academy of Queens
Bais Yaakov Academy UPK
Bais Yaakov D’Chassidei Gur
Be-er Hagolah
Bet Yaakov
Beth Gabriel DCC
Beth Gabriel/Sha’arei
Beth Jacob Day Care Center
Beth Jacob of Borough Park
Bnos Chaya
Bnos Malka
Bnos Menachem
Bnos Square
Chabad Early Learning Center
Chabad of North Brooklyn
Chai Tots
Congregation Yeshiva Bnei Torah
Forest Hills Jewish Center
Gan Day Care
Gan Yisroel
Hebrew Educational Society
Home Instruction
Home Schooling
Jewish Community Center of Staten Island
Jewish Institute of Queens
Magen David Yeshivah
Mevakshei Hashem
Neshamah Preschool
Rabbi Jacob Joseph School
Sephardic Community Center
Sholom Sholom
Talmid Torah Crown Heights Yeshivah
Talmid Torah Ohr Moshe
The Cheder
Yeled V’Yalda 407, 667, ECC etc.
Yeshiva & Mesivta Torah Temimah
Yeshiva Darchai Torah
Yeshiva Headstart
Yeshiva Jesode HaTorah
Yeshiva Karlin Stolin
Yeshiva Kehilath Yakov
Yeshiva of Central Queens
Yeshiva of Kings Bay
Yeshiva Ohr Shraga
Yeshiva Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch
Yeshiva tiferet Moshe
Yeshiva Torah vadaat
Yeshiva toras Emes
Yeshiva of Flatbush
Yeshivas boyan
Yeshivat Beth Hillel of krasna
Yeshivat darche Eres
Yeshivat mizrachi lbanim
Yeshivat Sha’arei Torah
Yeshivat ohr chaim