Department of Education Releases Report On Yeshivas
by CrownHeights.info
After months of waiting, the anticipated letter from the New York State Department of Education was released Thursday,outlining the Departments investigation into New York States yeshivas.
The letter outlined the departments inspections of 28 yeshivas named in a complaint that they were non complaint with state secular studies guidelines.
The report begins by outlining the difficulty of the investigations, as the definitions of the guidelines continue to change on a regular basis.
The detailed report noted that many of the schools alleged in the complaint either no longer exist, or are outside the purview of the department.
All other schools have been compliant with the inspections, and many have begun implementing improvements as required.
The report points out that the PEARLS Organization has taken major steps in bring additional resources to yeshivas, and advocates for their continued involvement in the matter.
Senator Simcha Eichenstein responded to the release of the report by saying that “The New York City Department of Education’s report completely and rightly confirms what we have been saying since day one. This entire issue is a fabricated claim by a group of so-called advocates making baseless accusations against the entire yeshiva system.”
Noting the small number of yeshiva’s named as requiring change, Eichenstoien wrote “Now that we know that out of 275 yeshivas in New York City, a handful need additional resources, let’s see if these so-called advocates will join me in advocating for additional government resources to help the 1% improve, and if you’re not willing to join me in this fight, it is time for us to call it what it is a hateful smear mongering campaign.”
[pdf-embedder url=”http://crownheights.info/assets/2019/12/Chancellor-Letter-to-SED-12.19.2019.pdf” title=”Chancellor Letter to SED 12.19.2019″]