NYC Declares Public Health Emergency Over Measles Outbreak, Demands Vaccination or $1,000 Fine
NYC Mayor Bill DeBlasio has announced a public health emergency over the measles outbreak that has spread through the Jewish community. The mayor also announced mandatory vaccination in effected zip codes, or face a fine of up to $1,000.
by CrownHeights.info
New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio announced a public health emergency Tuesday. The emergency deceleration is over the measles outbreak that has spread throughout the Jewish community.
The outbreak hot zones located in Williamsburg will be under extra pressure to vaccinate, with a fine of up to $1,000 if a person is unvaccinated. Zip codes named were 11211, 11249, 11206, and 11205.
The City also went so far as to warn that should schools not comply with mandatory vaccination rules, they could be shut down.
Crown Heights saw its first measles exposure just a few weeks ago, with as yet minimal spread of the virus. Doctors in Crown Heights point to the high vaccination rate as an explanation.
Rockland County, which has seen over 160 confirmed cases and had declared its own public health emergency, has recently had a ban on unvaccinated people congregating in public places put on hold by a New York State judge.