Facebook Allowed Advertisers to Target ‘Jew Haters’
Until just recently, Facebook allowed advertisers to target messages to people interested in Anti-Semitic topics, such as “Jew haters” and “how to burn Jews.”
From ProPublica:
Want to market Nazi memorabilia, or recruit marchers for a far-right rally? Facebook’s self-service ad-buying platform had the right audience for you.
Until this week, when we asked Facebook about it, the world’s largest social network enabled advertisers to direct their pitches to the news feeds of almost 2,300 people who expressed interest in the topics of “Jew hater,” “How to burn jews,” or, “History of ‘why jews ruin the world.’”
To test if these ad categories were real, we paid $30 to target those groups with three “promoted posts” — in which a ProPublica article or post was displayed in their news feeds. Facebook approved all three ads within 15 minutes.
After we contacted Facebook, it removed the anti-Semitic categories — which were created by an algorithm rather than by people — and said it would explore ways to fix the problem, such as limiting the number of categories available or scrutinizing them before they are displayed to buyers.
“There are times where content is surfaced on our platform that violates our standards,” said Rob Leathern, product management director at Facebook. “In this case, we’ve removed the associated targeting fields in question. We know we have more work to do, so we’re also building new guardrails in our product and review processes to prevent other issues like this from happening in the future.”
No normal person has a Facebook account.
Now run a test and see if it approves hate algorithms against other minority groups
Did u forget that FB is owned by a Jew ?
Yes. Correct. FB is Owned by a Jew who married a shiksa, so how much does Jewish mean to him anyways? He is well aware that his children are NOT Jewish by any means.