US Charges Israeli Teen for JCC Bomb Threats
The U.S. Justice Department announced on Friday that it was charging Michael Ron David Kadar, 18, with making threatening calls to JCCs, conveying false information to the police and cyberstalking.
Kader was arrested by Israeli police last month. His parents and attorney have said he has a benign brain tumor that affects his behavior.
“Today’s charges into these violent threats to Jewish community centers and others represent this department’s commitment to fighting all forms of violent crime,” Attorney General Jeff Sessions said in a statement.
“These threats of violence instilled terror in Jewish and other communities across this country and our investigation into these acts as possible hate crimes continues,” he said.
Israel has complied with requests to extradite Israelis since the 1990s, on the condition that those sentenced to serve in prison can do so in Israel.
Moishe pipek
Great idea! he did a lot of damage to Jews. He refuses to cooperate and he has lots of shekels in computer cash that hardly the action of innocent child.
really tragic that he had time in his life to do something useless and destructive.
very sad and troubling in many ways.
I’m glad that chabad is all over, and those who are connected with Chabad, are busy volunteering for Friendship Circle, visiting the sick, going to lectures, and taking classes in yiddishkeit, etc.