Education Secretary Praises Orthodox-Jewish Schools
from the JTA:
U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos praised Orthodox Jewish schools as a model for publicly funded education.
“I applaud Agudath Israel for their leadership and commitment to providing their community with access to educational options that meet the academic and religious needs of their families,” she said Wednesday after meeting with leaders of the haredi Orthodox Agudath Israel of America at the Department of Education in Washington.
“I look forward to continuing to work with Agudath Israel of America, the Orthodox Jewish community and all who believe that every child, regardless of where they live or their family’s income, should have an equal opportunity to a quality education,” she said.
Overworked teachers.
Underpaid teachers.
Over-crowded classrooms.
Old (or no) textbooks.
Patronage rampant.
Inadequate gym / play yard / equipment.
Inadequate gym / play yard / facilities.
Little or no field trips.
Unaccredited staff.
Sounds like Jewish Day schools.
Sounds like Public schools.
Sounds pathetic.