Anti-Semite Spreads Hate in Fulton Mall
A reader sent us this photo of a man who was standing today in the midst of Brooklyn’s Fulton Street Mall holding a sign that read “Google it. Jews financed Black slavery.”
Click on image below to enlarge
Crown Heights Resident
The Rebbe said: If Israel gives away land that Hashem helped them win in a miraculous way during the June 1967 SIX day war this will put the lives of Jews all over the world in danger
someone needs to show the idiot the truth which is blacks started & pushed slavery of their own starting in the 17th century
Yossi A
And Obama says it freedom of the press
’cause it’s a fellow brother in a hoodie
saw him in CH on troy and lincoln a few weeks ago – holding the same sign.
its true so what its history
Perhaps is it true. But he’s 50 years late. There’s no more sponsorship and no more slavery. What’s the point ?
Google it!
My mom (a proud Jew) marched for black civil rights in the 60s!!!!!
Google how much Jews fought for black civil rights and some died!!!
Your mom
Your mom was too naive to see that Blacks would be ungrateful and wash away that part of history.
His mom didn’t do it so that black people would be grateful, she did it because she felt that it was right and worth standing up for you.
It’s irrelevant what this ignorant fool thinks. Here are some facts that you can Google:
1. Africans sold their fellow countrymen into slavery. That’s right, they sold them to the whites for a few dollars. PBS did a documentary on this.
2. Jews have always been at the forefront of Black emancipation and equality. Despite the fact that some hateful Blacks want to hide this piece of history, Jews were behind MLK Junior and his marches every step of the way.
3. Jews got Obama elected.
Oh well
Doesn’t look like he got much attention.
Oh well
“Hello Ahmed, this is Mahmed. Sorry to call on your cell phone number but it’s important; we have a little problem, do you have a moment?” Mahmed answers Ahmed. “Sure habibi tell me what’s going on.”
Ahmed explains, “I’m proceeding with the boycott campaign against the Jews and Israel just like we planned.” Ahmed interrupts. “Very good, how is the Facebook page coming along?” Mahmed says, “Well that’s the problem. Facebook was created by a Jew, Zuckerberg, and we have to boycott it.” Ahmed sighs. “Okay you’re right. Let’s just instant message everyone.” Mahmed replies, “Apparently instant messaging was invented in Israel.” Ahmed thinks for a moment. “Then we’ll just have to leave a voicemail for everyone.” Mahmed hesitates and then responds. “Voicemail technology is from Israel.” Ahmed is getting angry. “Okay, so call everyone and if they don’t pick up then don’t leave a message.”
Mahmed responds cautiously, “Well my friend that would be a really good idea, but Israel created the cell phone in its Motorola development office. Ahmed yells. “Then just take all the boycott information and put it on a flash drive and hand it to everyone!” Mahmed clears his throat. “Ahem, well, I don’t want to upset you but Israel invented the USB flash drive and actually Israel invented the Pentium Intel computer chip and the Windows operating system.”
Ahmed is fed up and suggests, “Let’s just all meet in person, we’ll all get together and talk.” Mahmed asks, “Where should we meet?” Ahmed says, “I don’t care, how about Starbucks?” Mahmed says, “They’re on the boycott list.” Ahmed says, “Okay, okay, McDonalds!” Mahmed says, “They’re also on the boycott list.” Ahmed says, “Disney?” Mahmed says, “Boycott list.”
Ahmed is beside himself. “Are you telling me there is no way to boycott Israel, its people, its products, its supporters and its technology without using their products, their supporters and their technology?” Mahmed thinks for a moment and then offers a solution. “Maybe we could stand on the mountain top and blow a ram’s horn to alert everyone.” Ahmed replies, “Are you stupid, that was invented by the Jews too. Just hang up the phone and fly out to meet me.” Mahmed explains, “Well I read in the paper that every plane has a part manufactured by Iscar the Israeli metal company.”
Ahmed has reached his limit. “So I’ll walk and you’ll walk; we’ll walk and meet. We can still use our feet can’t we?” Mahmed interjects. “To tell you the truth, the word for the heal of one’s foot is Ekev which is the root of the name Jacob, Yaakov, a patriarch of the Jewish people. I think we have to boycott our feet.” Ahmed says, “We can’t even use our own feet? Then tell all our brotherhood to chop off all our feet immediately.” Mahmed responds, “That’s a great idea Ahmed, but we have absolutely no way of communicating with our brotherhood.”
Ahmed asks, “Didn’t we ever invent anything?” Mahmed answers, “Yes, yes, we invented coffee and tea.” Ahmed is finally satisfied. “Okay then, I’ll just sit here with my chopped off feet and have a cup of coffee and tea.” Mahmed informs Ahmed about just one more little problem. “But you’ll have to have it black; Israel is the land of milk and honey.”
Rabbi Dr. David Nesenoff is an internationally renowned speaker on Israel, anti-Semitism, Judaism, Hassidism and media. His popular website is and his video interview exposing and expelling the anti-Semite Helen Thomas from the Washington Press Corps went viral and became global news.
I have no patience to read the whole thing do you have a shorter version
Jim M.
I love it. Laughed out loud alone in my office!!!
Moshiach is on his way “google it”
we are still in golus though and this is what golus is about.
Moshiach is really needed and wanted.
do they know
That when Martin Luther King would March the only white people that would March with him were jews and they would get a whooping with the blacks together
Someone ought to tell him that many African blacks were complicit. Warring tribes sold their captives to the slavers.
probably works for the louis farrakhan/eric adams group.
‘works’ heh that’s pretty funny. this is what you get when creatures don’t have to work. they google stuff. You can google about the alien invasion in rural Montana. Google knows everything!
blah blah
africans also sold other africans into slavery
Even if it’s true. Jews weren’t the only ones who financed Black Slavery.
Alte Bubba
Find out his name and report him to his unemployment office….Surely he has time ’cause he’s collecting welfare or disability etc. An able-bodied guy should be out working!!!
Jews financed ALL kinds of overseas trade back then.
Jews also initiated the American Revolution in Philadelphia and coordinated the war effort against England, and guided TJ, JA & GW in setting up the new American gvmt when they won.
And as mentioned above, they also spearheaded the emancipation initiative.
G-d Bless the Jews.