Since the beginning of 2014, there has been an increase of 400 percent in the number of antisemitic incidents in Europe and around the world as compared with 2013.

Anti-Semitism Up 400% Worldwide

Since the beginning of 2014, there has been an increase of 400 percent in the number of antisemitic incidents in Europe and around the world as compared with 2013.

The data showing the increase was collected as part of a special project by Israel’s NRGnews website and the Forum to Coordinate the Fight Against Antisemitism. The report, coming almost seventy years after the Holocaust and the end of World War II, shows that there is real concern for the future of world Jewry, and particularly European Jewry.

The report also said that in 2014, the lines and boundaries between anti-Israeli and anti-Zionist rhetoric and actions and antisemitism became increasingly blurred.

According to the report, the intensity and nature of the antisemitic wave that erupted in Europe last summer during Israel’s Operation Protective Edge in Gaza indicated cooperation between networks of extreme leftists and immigrants from Arab countries that hold extreme Islamist views. In the United States, the main growth came in the form of anti-Israel activity on college campuses across the country which had antisemitic overtones.

Moreover, according to the report, the internet, social media and mobile applications have become favorite and effective tools to spread antisemitic messages and propaganda, like the infamous antisemitic screed “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.”

The report’s conclusions dovetailed with the results of a survey conducted last year by the Anti-Defamation League across 102 countries and including more than 50,000 people, which found that one in four people holds antisemitic views or beliefs.

According to the ADL’s survey, the most commonly held antisemitic belief is that Jews are more loyal to Israel than to their countries of residence, a belief held by 41 percent of respondents. An additional 35 percent think Jews have too much power and influence in the business world.

The highest rates of antisemitism in the world were found in the Arab world, where 93 percent of the residents of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank had negative views of Jews. Similarly high results were found among respondents from Iraq, Yemen and Algeria.

When it came to Holocaust denial, the ADL’s survey revealed that two-thirds of the world’s population did not know about the Holocaust or flat out denied its occurrence. In Western Europe, however, only 6 percent of respondents denied the Holocaust or were not aware that it occurred.


  • Crown Heights Resident

    The Rebbe Said: If Israel gives away land that Hashem gave them in a miraculous way during the June 1967 Six day war This will put the lives of Jews all over the world in extreme danger.


    we allways have to remember the world is not a jungle but hashems gardon, it all about how we perceive it.
    the rebbe tells us that if we know alef we must teach alef-everyone is capobol of sharing their light and thats our job to be a light on to the nations in whatever way it may be.
    as tanya mentions that (one of) the way(s) to conquer negativity is by using what is strives on for positive, so we must take the very things that these people use to share their “ideas” and use it to share light and goodness in the entire world, everyone likes to do good they only forget about it so it seems like its come the time for us – the light on the nations – to stand for what we represent and DO just that whether its 7 mitzvos bnei noach and so on, each and every individual with those that they meet TO SHARE THE LIGHT