Democrats have changed their convention platform to add a mention of G-d and declare that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel.

Democrats Restore G-d and Jerusalem to Platform


Democrats have changed their convention platform to add a mention of G-d and declare that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel.

The move came after criticism from Republicans.

Many in the audience booed after the convention chairman, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, ruled that the amendments had been approved despite the fact that a large group of delegates objected.

He called for a vote three times before ruling.

The party reinstated language from the 2008 platform that said “we need a government that stands up for the hopes, values and interests of working people and gives everyone willing to work hard the chance to make the most of their G-d-given potential.”

The platform also now includes what advisers said was Obama’s personal views on Jerusalem.


  • obama has got to go!

    he is not a friend of the Jewish people and the Jewish state. He cannot be trusted. He is not an honest man.

  • Fresser Rebbe


    Ok so now we see that the Democratic machine is against yiden and Yideshkait,Erets Yisroel etc. you would think that at this point the so called g’dolim would come out and tell us to vote Obama out of office, but just watch as it comes closer to the Election and Obama and his Machine will wave some Dollar bills and all the Chareidim will run and hang up Kol Kores that l’man Hashem we MUST vote for Obama. KI HASHOCHAD YEAVEIR

  • boo

    did you hear the “boo-ing”?? There is no way we can have this *%&*% president for another minute!

  • Obama-s people...

    They booed Hashem, R”L. These are the people who would destroy America if they had their way.

  • Watch the video

    There was no 2/3 agreement. At least half voted against God and against Yerushalayim as the capital, but they rammed it through anyways. Very revealing about the DNC, for shame.

  • cw

    If ANY Jew votes for Obama, they are voting for the destruction of Israel ch”v. If Chas V’Sholom he is re-elected he will be free to do what he pleases and will show his true pro-terrorist colors.

    He is already aiding and sending OUR tax money to the Muslim Brotherhood.


  • DeClasse- Intellectual

    The hyoprocracy of the Democtrats and of obama. It was their intention not to mention G-d or Jerusalem; however, because of what Ryan said they about faced even though they do not mean it . Remember that obama’s health plan fight with the Catholics is not about contraception but about the Catholic person’s right to freedom of beliefs. and, if you think I am kidding, just remember Yidishkeit is next. We all know Obama’s two faced position on Israel–because all he cares for is votes and then once in office–to hell with everyone. Obamaa’s mentor the Rev. Wright has said “G-d Damm America” which means all thre freedoms it represents. there is a strong movement within the Democratic Party who think that Communism is a great form of government–let anyone who has lived under such system enlighten everyone about the joys of such a life!!!!!!!!

  • oh please

    God wast mentioned ONCE in the Declaration of Independence yet that is the most coveted item in American history!

    not only that, this whole thing is over nothing, faith was mentioned a thousand times in the democratic platform, because unlike the republican party, which is mostly yushke, the democratic party is a diverse mix of religions, yet another reason why a one color (white) one god (yushke) one gender (male) republican party is just not the way to go.

  • Andrea Schonberger

    I know alot of people might get angry at my opinion but is it that important for it to be in the platform? I’m more concerned about the economy and healthcare, plus getting out of Afghanistan.

  • Rivkah

    What a liar!

    Obama is seriously scary!

    I pray for a miracle from Hashem!
    Moshiach Now!

  • DeClasse- Intellectual

    #( Yes, I have and I know that besides being a grammy winning commedian, he was a social critic that poked fun at all the man belifs and values that we think are so valid and this part of his appeal. In orther words irrevernt was his main game.

  • Who Said That?

    It’s what our system produces: Garbage in, garbage out. If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you’re going to get selfish, ignorant leaders. Term limits ain’t going to do any good; you’re just going to end up with a brand new bunch of selfish, ignorant Americans. So, maybe, maybe, maybe, it’s not the politicians who suck. Maybe something else sucks around here… like, the public.

  • Moishe: to 13. Andrea Schonberger

    Nothing more is important than acknowledging Gd. Otherwise you will en-up like most Democrats: a Party solely dedicated to abortions and homosexual menageries.

  • yossi a

    We should all listen to the megama duo which sings G-D is alive in Jerusalem If you have a problem with Jerusalem you have a problem with HASHEM

  • CR

    The Rebbe’s answer to that half of the D conventioneers would be something like “the god you proclaim no belief in I do not believe in either.” VDL

  • heres the issue

    the issue wasnt that it wouldnt be mentioned. the problem was its removal…it was there before, now why on earth would they remove it??

  • oh please

    i dont think god is so insecure that he feels bad that he wasnt mentioned. really ppl, this is stupid.

  • Milhouse

    #12, you show your ignorance. The Declaration of Independence BEGINS by claiming that man’s rights are a gift from THEIR CREATOR.

  • Milhouse

    #13, Yes, it is important that it’s in the platform. Taking it out is “Kisvu lochem al keren hashor”. It’s an open rejection of Hashem, and fundamentally unAmerican.