Last Imprisoned Bochur Leaves Japan for Israel
After four and a half years of trials and tribulations, isolated in his prison cell in Japan, Yakov Yosef ben Reizel is finally on his way home.
Unimaginable mountains of red tape, that until recently seemed insurmountable, hindered and delayed the prisoner transfer procedure for what seemed like eternity. Reb Aron Nezri stood at the forefront of this painstaking campaign, that has now with great siyaate dishamye come to a close. Details of the transfer were for obvious reasons kept under wraps.
As usual, Yakov Yosef has with great mesirus nefesh continued his shiurei torah diligently, and completed gomoroh masechta Shabbos just yesterday, Tuesday, when the time came for him to bid farewell to the Chiba Prison.
Words cannot describe the emotions. Finally, after so many years of pain and suffering, Yakov Yosef arrived at the airport to depart from Japan.
Reb Aron Nezri (London) and Reb Meilech Bindinger (Antwerp) were on the phone with Yakov Yosef’s father (Bnei Brak), monitoring in real-time Yakov Yosef’s release from his jail compound and transfer to the immigration centre where procedures for his transfer to Eretz Yisroel are carried out.
During the conference call whilst Yakov Yosef was at immigration, we were alerted that Yakov Yosef now had the opportunity to speak to his father for just half a minute.
For the first time in four and a half years, Yakov Yosef held a telephone to his ear, and with fervor said “Boruch Matir Asurim” to which his father emotionally answered “Amen”, whilst we shed tears of gratitude and relief.
The multitudes of concerned yiden across the globe who davened for Yakov Yosef and never ceased to forget his suffering; the thousands of our dear brethren who contributed towards the efforts to gain Yakov Yosef’s release, wrote letters of chizuk to Yakov Yosef, accepted upon themselves resolutions in Yakov Yosef’s merit, now rejoice along side his dear family.
In conformity to Japan’s stipulations, Yakov Yosef will soon be transferred to an Israeli correctional facility. He and his family will be comforted that he is now close by, and in an environment that respects his religion and speaks his tongue.
In the best interest of Yakov Yosef, and to avoid possible negative consequences, the team of Rabonim and askonim involved, endeavoured to keep the transfer process as low profile as possible. The family of Yakov Yosef, and the askonim involved, request that respect should be given to the required discretion, and they not be contacted for further details or interviews.
Wonderful news!!
What wonderful amazing news! Finally finally . . .
Chasdei Hashem! At least now he’ll be close to his family, who have waited forever for him, r”l, for all the Yomom Toivim!!
World jewry is rejoicing with him and his family at this beautiful news!!
Poor Kid four and a half years
This was a Japanese Jobs Program for Lawyers.
Keep the good news coming.
Chaim Ben Shnaier
Now Be’h Sholem Mordecai Rubashkin’s turn OMAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!