
Israel's richest rabbi. Photo: Kikar Shabat.

Rabbi Pinchas Abuhatzeira, the great-grandson of the Babi Sali, is Israel's richest rabbi, with an estimated fortune of NIS 1.3 billion, according to the “Forbes Israel's” ranking of Israel's ten richest rabbis. The magazine says that the social protest hurt the fortunes of the rabbis' by greatly reducing their income from donations from tycoons.

Forbes Israel Ranks Israel’s Richest Rabbis


Israel’s richest rabbi. Photo: Kikar Shabat.

Rabbi Pinchas Abuhatzeira, the great-grandson of the Babi Sali, is Israel’s richest rabbi, with an estimated fortune of NIS 1.3 billion, according to the “Forbes Israel’s” ranking of Israel’s ten richest rabbis. The magazine says that the social protest hurt the fortunes of the rabbis’ by greatly reducing their income from donations from tycoons.

The value of a rabbi can have little significance for the personal wealth of an individual rabbi, but includes charitable activities and their properties. The rabbinical communities have an annual turnover of over NIS 1 billion, according to various estimates, but the nature of a community’s activities, which are difficult to monitor, has given risen to much higher estimates of turnover.

The value of the rabbinical communities are based on interviews and conversations with scores of officials from the rabbinical communities by experts on the haredi (ultra-orthodox) communities, the Israel Police, assessors, and various haredi sources. Current and former Israel Tax Authority officials also contributed to the rankings.

Rabbi Pinchas Abuhatzeira inherited most of his fortune from his father, Rabbi Elazar Abuhatzeira, who was murdered last year by a follower in Beersheva. The fortune of Rabbi Pinchas Abuhatzeira’s uncle, Rabbi David Hai Abuhatzeira is estimated at NIS 750 million. Many national and local politicians pay homage to the rabbi at his court.

Gur Rabbi Yaakov Arie Altar is ranked in third place, with a fortune of NIS 350 million. The Belz Rabbi Yissachar Dov Rokeach is in fourth place, with a fortune of NIS 180 million. Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi is in fifth place, with a fortune of NIS 100 million, followed by Rabbi Yaakov Ifargen, with a fortune of NIS 90 million, and Rabbi Yeshayahu Pinto, with a fortune of NIS 75 million.

Many rabbis actively participate in the business world as partners in or owners of companies. Leading rabbis also invest in capital markets and in real estate in Israel and other countries. Rabbi David Hai Abuhatzeira is considered a financial expert, with real estate and stock investments in Israel and around the world.


  • Mitnagid

    Shameless sorcerers who con the gullible with their darkhe emori charms!

  • ex chr

    The Rebbe Maharash was a gvir but something tells me that it’s not the same.

  • Hoping He Uses His $ For Gd

    Hoping he’s as rich in the things of Gd as he is in money!

  • Shliach

    If I’m not mistaken: A prominent Rav said of the Rebbe Maharash: ich hob gezehn a Yid mit tzvei goldene zeigers un ein tzubrochene heartz.

  • Milhouse

    #1 Misnaged, go away. A pidyon nefesh has to come with money.

    BTW, the Gerrer Rebbe’s wealth comes from his father the Lev Simcha zt“l, who was a successful businessman, and his zeide the Imrei Emes zt”l, who fulfilled the mitzvah of yishuv ho’oretz and bought land in central Yerusholayim in the 1920s when it was cheap.

  • Milhouse

    Rebbi was also a fantastically rich man. And so was Moshe Rabbenu. The gemoro says that members of the Sanhedrin must be rich, and if they weren’t when they were appointed then the public would give them money so they would be rich.

  • AYB

    The member of the Abuchatzeira family that is considered a “financial expert” is Rabbi Yoshiyahu Yosef Pinto, NOT Rabbi David Chai Abuchatzeira. Rabbi Yoshiyahu Yosef Pinto’s mother is an Abuchatzeira.

  • Mitnagid

    #6 I was saying that trust and faith in Hashem ALONE should be sufficient for Jews!Why do people need magicians’ charms in order to protect them?This is idol worship!
    I am not against the fact these people are rich;I am against the idolatrous way they made the afore-mentioned money.

  • Out of Africa

    A careful reading of the article indicates that this is the value of the communities – not personal wealth. The sensational headline does not match the article.

  • Poor

    I feel duped! All my life I was fed that it’s holy to reject money. Now I feel so stupid..poor and foolish.

  • Discrimination against Lubavitch

    How dare they ignore Lubavitch??? Aranov of Israel Tzach and all Chabad assets make us NUMBER ONE!!! This is pure discrimination – we will always be #1 forever!!!!!!!!!

  • Milhouse

    #9, As a self-confessed misnaged why are you here? Most people cannot reach alone where a tzadik can reach for them. Onochi omeid bein Hashem uveineichem.

  • Mitnagid

    #13,your biblical quote was about prophets,not zaddikim and you know it;and you also know we hadn’t had prophets in the last couple of years!

  • The real montifiore is alive and kind !

    Ow! Owe! Oy! Gotta have money as a righteous person isn’t required to borrow !
    Silver answers everything wrote king Solomon !
    Good causes support Their supporters !
    Simply put the world stands on three…….!
    The rebbe said the spiritual and material worlds are co related !
    Poor rabbis lead to disrespect of religion !

  • shloime

    shloyma hamelech was the wisest and richest man in history. moshiach will be richer and wiser than shloyma

  • shlomo as always with bad English

    forbes israel only forget tell to reader about eshivos, schools , kindergartens, that Abuhacera family have w/o any help from tzionim. about lot of gmilus hasidim they do