Lev Tahor Children Ordered into Foster Care Flee
Canadian authorities have located all 13 Lev Tahor children who fled the country with their parents after being ordered into foster care. They are in the Caribbean and Central America.
As reported in The Montreal Gazette, the children were due in Chatham-Kent court in Ontario, Canada, on Thursday to appeal the ruling that ordered them into foster care, but they did not show up. A community member told reporters they had gone on a trip.
Nine members of the community were found Wednesday morning at the Piarco International Airport in Trinidad and Tobago. They had flown there from Toronto and were attempting to travel to Guatemala. Six children in the group were part of the court order to be placed into foster care.
Quebec’s Department of Youth Protection stated that six other children are already in Guatemala, and a six-month-old baby is with her 17-year-old mother in an unknown location in New York.
This is the second time the group has run from child protection authorities. Two-hundred members left Ste-Agathe-des-Monts in November and travelled to Chatham-Kent to avoid their first court date. A judge ruled then that 14 children should be placed in foster care. That order was upheld on Feb. 3. It was not put into place because the judge allowed one month for the family to appeal.
That appeal was to be held on March 5, but was cancelled because the children were not in the country, violating a court order requiring the children to stay in the area.
Denis Baraby, the director of the Department of Youth Protection for the Laurentians region, said he and his colleagues are working with Ontario police forces to try to bring the children back. Police are looking into criminal charges against the parents.
The Canada Star reports that at the time of the appeal, there were 13 children in the order instead of the 14 subject to the Quebec order because the 17-year-old mother is now considered an adult under Ontario law. It is not yet known if she is a part of the emergency order.
According to Chatham Daily News Superior Court Justice Lynda Templeton is ordering the temporary apprehension of the children. The order calls for all the children to be put into the temporary care of Chatham-Kent Children’s Services.
The court order also offered various resources to Chatham-Kent Children’s Services to apprehend the children, including the Chatham-Kent Police Service, OPP, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Canadian Border Services and the Peel Regional Police.
They fled to save the children from being ripped from any yiddishkeit, but because the groups is a bit strange expect a lot of posters to support what used to be considered kidnapping and worse by all Jews.
No fan of Lev Tahor. They don’t deserve their kids ripped from them and the tactics used by the “child protective workers” yemach shemom including lies, exaggerations and use of the propagandist media to defame the parents. Again, a no fan of the group but to rip children away from parents (absent extreme and real danger) one has to have a heart that makes cold stones seem warm by comparison. In the case of yiddisher elterern, anyone advocating it is on the same footing as Tzar Nikolei, all sophistry aside.
At one point the social workers were excoriated by the court for saying that a marker stain was a bruise, which of course the vicious media dutifully reported as the truth.
See this article: http://crownheights.info/jewish-news/417708/seized-lev-tahor-children-to-return-home/
Reminds one of the crazy “aguna” crowd and their efforts to destroy marriages at all costs (through similar tactics).
how would you like growing up forced to wear a black cloth wrapped arround you?. how would you like to be dirty and fungus because someone made up it not tznius to sleep without socks or sleeping on rolls of black cloth?
how would you like growing up not to play or laugh becuase helbrans decided you must be serious all the time and obey his commands.. so there is a big oroblem here no one from the chasidesh community is standing up…so let the gov walk in and do what they need to do, before this really gets out of hand…poor kids.
Dovid, how does any of that compare to being put in a home where they will be fed treif and be brought up to break shabbos?
Well “Dovid,” the fact that even the vicious reporters reported kids playing with markers/toys, waving and smiling would seem to put a damper in your argument.
It used to be unconscionable for any frum person to support something so heinous. There are no words to describe the lack of standards and people’s cruelly destructive opinions today. “Ain lonu lhishayen ela al Avinu ShebaShomayim” comes to mind though…
Btw, I know a lot of people who sleep in socks.
Kop Mentch
Milhouse pretends that there is some terrible issur if children below the age of chinuch are treif.
This is FICTION!! Although it panders to the sentiments of people who have more feelings about halacha then actually know halacha.
I will set out the relevant halachas and the reader can decide for themselves how Milhouse mislead them:
There is an issur d’oraisa for one to feed a child food that is not kosher.
Refer to Shulchan Aruch 343:1, Magen Avraham 2, Mishnah Berurah 4. Refer to Meir L’nefesh pages 18-19. This applies to other isurim as well (Mishnah Beruah 1). See Sharei Halacha U’minhag Y.D. page 36:8 on giving non-kosher medicines to children
This is learned from three different pesukim in the Torah.
Vayikra 11:42, 12:12, 21:1.
The reason is so the child does not become accustomed to doing aveiros which he may continue when he is over thirteen.
Terumas Hadeshen Pesakim 62:page 349 new.
This issur applies to all people and not only to a child’s parents.
Mishnah Berurah 4, Kaf Ha’chaim 19
One who sees his child doing an
issur d’oraisa has to stop him.
Rama 1.
Others say a father is obligated to stop his child even by an issur d’rabanan.
Be’er Heitiv 343:3.
Some say a mother is also obligated to stop him.
Mishnah Berurah 2
If a child did not yet reach the age of chinuch there is no need to stop him from doing any issur.
Rama 1, Mishnah Berurah 3, see Meir L’nefesh page 21.
There is NO PROBLEM if the young children *who are below the age of chinuch) are fed treif or do chilul shabbos!!
Kop Mentch
YMSP – the Mishnah Berurah (2:1) writes that in places where the custom is to cover one’s feet (even at home), one should wear socks under the blanket.
Nun Island
What a Chilul H’. We don’t need stories like that !
let's be careful not harmful
feels like “Canadian authorities” have no bigger problem than this one, “child protective workers” yemach shemom need parnosoh. BUT we yiden must know – when we run on Gov money (like Yeled vYalda) we invite reshoim into our lifes, and our brothers and sisters suffer. Cheese is free only in a mouse trap
#1 is right
These social workers are many/most times socialist leftist that look to take away children from religious parents.
To #2
You know what’s worse for a child than being forced to sleep on black sheets with socks on? Being ripped away from your parents and siblings and placed in a cold, uncaring and alien foster environment, where nobody speaks your language.
The same pretense that was used by the CPS, Yimach Shemom, to kidnap these children, can be used against 50% of families in Crown Heights.
Lack of hygiene? Kids get dirty. Check. Non-standard education? No explanation needed. Check.
When they come for YOUR children, there will be no one left to speak.
Somebody help these poor families. The Quebec power-hungry CPS authorities are hounding them like a pack of rabid dogs.
I can just picture them: the children huddling around their parents, crying and asking why people want to take them away.
The parents don’t know what to answer them.
ok for lev tahor
So it is OK for Lev Tahor to rip the children from their parents as a punishent to the parents. Is that OK?
Do you have any evidence that this occurred?
Also, Lev Tahor is not a government. No one is forced at gunpoint to listen to the leader’s “commands.” They can leave at any time (and many have). They choose to listen to him the same way you would listen to everything the Rebbe said.
I do not support Lev Tahor or their lifestyle. But they have a right to practice their faith without being persecuted by the government.
our own
We have a woman in crown heights who walks the street and calls the city on families to come take their children.
She feels that she runs a school therefore makes the best michanech meanwhile her own kids are embarrassed with her.
If this is the case then why isn’t everything being done to stop her and to protect children and families? Why is anyone sending their children to the school of a moiser? These are the kinds of things that the public needs to know with facts and proof (unless she’s denying this).
gut voch
the kids raised in this environment grow up totally messed up. the cult must be dismantled. i heard that the gov’t was masserd to bec. the families of the cult members cannot have much contact with their own daughters/sons so they are working hard in getting this cult busted. Others who come to their senses try to escape and if caught in the middle they force divorces (since one spouse didn’t get to flee yet)
yes terrible for kids to be taken out of parents arms but they are doing it anyways if a parent doesn’t act properly in their books in order to punish her they place her kids in a diff. family,
and helbrans himself , he doesn’t want his kids in his own house so they get sent out at 5 or 8. it is crzy crazy what goes on there
To all who are bashing Canadian authorities
The parents of these children are abusive. They don’t take their children for proper medical care. They came to Canada because the government of israel was after them for abusing their children and were about to take their children to Jewish foster care, so they escaped. These poor children are suffering everyday. They force their daughters to marry at 16-17 and make them have their babies at home because it’s not tznius to go to the hospital.
let's be careful not harmful
much better than allowing daughters to be single and hefker till 26-27; Mind your own business.
our own
To ymsp
We all should stop her youre right but how do we get her publicized? Except that ohr menachem and beis chaya mushka have her mingling there
i think this is terribaly sad bc 1.They shldnt have to be part of this cult but on the other hand they shldnt have to be fled to not jewish foster cares and raised with absulotely no yiddishkeit in my personal opinion all theses kids shld be brought to frum boro park or crown heights familys so they can be brought up into a normal frum family!!!!!
btw its also very illegal and not appropiate for 15 or 16 yr olds getting married all of this “lev tahor religion” is crazy thats not called frumkeit
to #2
do you know that peaple without the same customs as you also think it is strange