Herzliya Residents Concerned About New Youth Trend

Yeshiva World News

An urgent town hall meeting was held by the Herzliya PTA, attended by Mayor Yael German, permitting participants to express their concerns surrounding the alarming trend, an increasing number of the city’s teens are returning to the fold, beginning to observe Torah and Mitzvos. Also present was the deputy mayor, Tova Rafael. The event was not well attended according to a Kikar Shabbat report.

Some of the parents lamented that their children have left their schools and homes to attend a religious yeshiva. A number of psychologists advised parents how to combat ‘the dangerous trend’ of becoming frum.

Nissin Maskil, who heads the city’s PTA, is concerned and calling on city agencies to act. He points out that at present, officials are simply ignoring the dangers, the meetings between different teens in the city, calling upon the education system to prevent meetings between religious and non-religious students.


  • shlomo

    ma hadaash ? tzionim. i knew one bohur, that do mitzva tfilin on ramat-marpe. and people call to police, and ask arest him! it’s rutine in israel

  • Alexander

    mekabetz nidhay Israel.

    Heavens to betsy one of the three tasks of Moshiach.
    We can’t let that happen can we now!
    Live with it join in. Moshiach is unstoppable!

  • name very fitting

    “nissin maskil” a very fitting name
    a continuation of he maskilim of old

  • Milhouse

    #6, if the difference isn’t obvious to you then there’s a serious problem. The difference is that our way of life is commanded by Hashem, and theirs is rebellion against Hashem. We are right and they are wrong, and that is all the difference in the world. That they don’t know they’re wrong is neither here nor there. It’s like the difference between police and criminals.

    Would you want us to allow other ways of life?! Do you think people have a right to do wrong?!

  • SBA

    express their concerns surrounding the alarming trend, an increasing number of the city’s teens are returning to the fold, beginning to observe Torah and Mitzvos.>>>

    Maybe they should check their Mezuzos

  • asher Elbaz

    Amen SBA :)
    Hashem will win, it’s our Nissayon. Some people just don’t understand, everyone must be accepted with love…even some people with Meshuge words :)

  • Kahane

    yea the best thing to do is to LEAVE the country that will combat the trend of giving land away…