Huckabee Attends Algemeiner Breakfast, Calls Obama a Fire Starter

Former republican presidential candidate governor Mike Huckabee spoke at a breakfast benefit for the Algemeiner and Gershon Jacobson Foundation, comparing president Obama to one who starts a fire then comes to help put out the blaze.

Philanthropists and industry elites gathered for breakfast on Friday morning at the offices of global asset management firm Alliance Bernstein in Midtown Manhattan. The event was attended by over 200 who gathered to support new Algemeiner projects and hear Governor Huckabee express his positions on Israel hours before a diplomatic showdown took place in the United Nations between PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

A video presentation that was shown highlighting the Algemeiner’s recent resurgence particularly online and detailed plans for the future, featured Algemeiner Advisory Board Chair Elie Wiesel as well as Malcolm Hoenlein, Rabbi Arthur Schneier, PR guru Ronn Torossian and others.

Dovid Efune, Director of the Algemeiner, introduced former governor Mike Huckabee by saying, “as a friend of Israel, a friend of the Jewish people and a friend of truth and justice…..I can only offer you the greatest Jewish accolade, you are a mentsch.” Huckabee returned the volley, humorously noting the similarity of the name “Huckabee” to the famed Maccabee. There is a deep kinship between the evangelical community and the Jewish people, said Huckabee, who is presently a Fox commentator. “One cannot be Christian without having absolute Jewish roots…Israel, for me, is holy land. What is sacred to my Jewish friends is sacred to me.”

Referring to President Obama’s speech in the United Nations last week, former Republican candidate for President, Mike Huckabee likened him to one who starts a fire, then comes to help put out the blaze, stressing the urgent need for Americans to recognize that “what happens to Israel happens to America.” “The United States must take a much stronger position. ”President Obama,“ said Huckabee, is ”incredibly naive,“ and must recognize the impossibility of negotiating with those who say ”accept my way, my system of thought – or I will destroy you.“ He should have said: if the vote is presented (at the United Nations) you will not see one more American dime.”

The 2008 candidate did not have kind words for the United Nations. “If you continue to promote terrorism, then find a new home!” He questioned why Americans are expected to listen to the dribble of anAhmadinejad and others who besmirch and criticize, noting that even an attempt to speak freely in their countries, , let alone to secure human rights, would likely result in death.

Asked who would be the Ronald Regan of 2012, Huckabee commented that the Republican Party was suffering from “a toxic atmosphere.” Instead of having a sense of “how do we govern?” the concern has been “more about let’s beat the other guy – who ever that guy might be.” The 2008 entrant said that he was not sure that “among the current crop of prospective Republican presidential candidates… a definitive candidate” had emerged. “Rick Perry should realize that he is not running for President of Texas,” and must expand his message and revise his position on social security or it would be his “downfall.” About Ron Paul, Huckabee found his understanding of the Middle East “dangerous,” and his attitude toward Iran “naïve.”

“The conflict in the Middle East is not just a conflict between Jews and Arabs,” he said. “It is a conflict between freedom and slavery…between seeing children as in need of a better life and strapping a bomb to their belly.” How can there be peace, asked the former governor, when children are taught that it is alright to kill Jews?“ Although Israelis have ”exercised extraordinary patience“ in the face of continuing provocation, ”the creation of a peaceful environment will not be done by capitulation to those who do not admit Israel’s right to exist.“

The ”why should I care, it’s not in my back yard“ attitude must change. There must be recognition of ”Iran’s existential threat to America.“ The United States must be more vigilant and diligent in getting the American people to understand that the threat of jihad is a threat to all who believe in individual freedom. ”What happens to the Jews will one day happen to me.”

The next GJCF/Algemeiner event is on Monday Oct 3rd, hosting senator Joseph I. Lieberman who will talk on ‘Religion and Politics’ the event is free and open to the public. Space is limited, RSVP required, email: phone: 718 774 7610.

One Comment

  • British

    If you look at Dovid’s hand as he shakes with Huckabee, you can see very distinctly the nuanced differences between the way American’s shake and the way British people shake. Very regal..

    All kidding aside, Kol Hakavod to you and the smooth way you do business. Good on you all!