‘Best Friend’ Says Levi Aron Borderline Retarded, Obsessed with Karaoke


One of Levi Aron’s friends has revealed more personal details about the accused killer, whom the friend calls “socially awkward” and “borderline retarded.” “He couldn’t hold a conversation…He didn’t talk about anything except karaoke and the songs he was going to sing – not women, not anything,” said David Barsky.

Aron called Barksy his “best friend.” according to court papers. Barksy is currently in Riker’s after getting busted in April for driving a Plymouth van—which was registered in Aron’s name—with a suspended license. Barksy said he thought Aron was too stupid to be able to successfully abduct, kidnap and kill Leiby. And anyway, Aron was too obsessed with karaoke and getting famous for such a heinous crime.

Barsky said Aron used to drive him to karaoke parties he would host, and Aron would occasionally try to emcee the gigs…but he was terrible at it. “He has no personality. He had to learn how to talk to people…He loved to sing the songs, but he can’t sing. He has a terrible voice!” said Barksy. Aron particularly loved singing songs by Maroon 5 and Josh Groban, though his all-time favorite song is “Time” by Hootie & the Blowfish.

And while Barksy says he “loved the guy,” and “he was a good person,” he has spent much of the past month in jail contemplating the tragic crime, and asking himself the same question again and again: “Why did he kill the child?”


  • sigmund f.

    and just who is this friend and what is his credentials to make this print repeat he said borderline retarded?

  • To CH mom

    You’re comparing some driving with a suspended license to someone who kills a kid. nice

  • Daniel

    There you have the professional details of a best pal. Ladies and gentleman, look around in your shul — if you see any inward, weird personality types, keeping to themselves and eyeing their eyeballs around the room, staring at little children, then flag him — tell the rabbonim to keep their antennas tuned to CODE RED. Brother, what is going on here? We are talking of ONE – I repeat ONE – isolated crazy person, just one, I guarantee you rabbosai, this will never happen again. never.

  • PsyD.

    borderline retarded is not a definition used in the psyc world anymore. Sounds like what was going on was something on the Autism Spectrum,…. his lack of friendships, obsessions with karaoke, and social awkwardness fits the definition. It also makes sense that he was unaware of the consequences of killing Leiby.

  • to #2

    don’t be so quick to judge someone simply because they are in jail-
    some people have had rough lives and make mistakes they regret for years to come-
    -there are people in jail who don’t deserve to be there,
    -there are also people in jail who deserve to be there according to the American justice system, but not according to the Torah and these individuals, especially those who are not a physical danger to others, are being made to waste their lives.
    When you’re in jail you can become dehumanized, you don’t really get a chance to correct things you did, and you sit there learning from people who have often not very good things to share with you.
    People don’t set out saying: hey, I really want to spend my life in jail…
    There are many reasons people can be in jail, it’s true that some of them are quite horrific. Jail is a horrific place to be. Appreciate the next time you get to walk out of your house and walk around the streets at your will…There are thousands upon thousands of people who can’t do that, and most of them will be able to do a lot better to rectify what they did wrong if the justice system came up with some other time of ‘punishment sytem’ that really addressed the crime that was commited AND allowed them and their families to begina new better stage in their lives.

  • just thinking...

    There’s no need to show his photo at all, let alone presenting him wearing a yarmulka, as if he is a shomer Torah umitzvos.

  • to to #2

    People don’t end up in jail for a suspended license unless it is not their first offense. Don’t be so gullible “to #2”

  • retards reading

    Barsky or barksy? Who is borderline retarded here?
    4 months in Rikers for a suspended license? Who is retarded here?

  • ch resident

    did you ever hear anyone in jail say I deserve to be here? everyone says I am not guilty

  • educalady

    to #1: did you read what you wrote? wrong grammar, sentence doesnt make sense, etc. please engage mind before writing a message that no one can understand…

  • Disgusted

    Excuse me did this site just use the R- word? If this is a quote then please bleep it out. That word is no longer used and as a parent of a special needs child I hear that word way to often please bleep it next time.

  • Grammar Teacher

    To #11:

    I counted four grammatical errors in your post. Maybe you should reconsider criticizing others, since your own grammatical skills leave a lot to be desired. I suggest you address the topic and leave grammar lessons to the professionals.

  • DSM

    Whatever or whoever he is, is now irrelevant. It is the terrible crime that makes him who he is. A murderer. Daniel, it is wonderful that you are so positive, but no a child may never die in this particular way, under these particular circumstances, but their are many ways to ruin the life of a child. Many ways which are happening to many children, and maybe even in your shul. A child may not die in the physical sense, but in an emotional sense, by the hands of seemingly normal people who hold excellent conversations.