U.S. Gaza Flotilla Boat Named After Obama’s Book


The Turkish Mavi Marmara was the site of deadly clashes between Israeli commandos and flotilla participants one year ago.

An American ship carrying 34 passengers, some Jewish, is set to join the new Gaza-bound flotilla in June, according to a New York Times report Thursday.

Writer and Pulitzer Prize winner, Alice Walker, 86, whose parents dies in the holocaust will also board the United States ship.

“It’s in the tradition of Dr. King’s direct-action principles, to create a situation so tension-packed that it forces the world to look and see what’s happening to the Palestinians,” a student explained her reasoning for taking part in the flotilla.

The American ship, named “The Audacity of Hope” after US President Barack Obama’s book title, is intended to send a message of hope according to Leslie Cagan, a political organizer who is the coordinator of the boat.

“We’re sending a message to our own government that we think it could play a much more positive role in not only ending the siege of Gaza, but also ending the whole occupation” of Palestinian land, she said. “The phrase does capture what we believe, which is that it is possible to make change in a positive way, and that’s a very hopeful stance.”

A coalition of pro-Palestinian groups say a flotilla will set sail in the third week of June. Israel has vowed to stop any attempt to breach its sea blockade of Gaza.

In May 2010, nine people were killed when Israeli commandos boarded a Turkish boat off the coast of Gaza.


  • cigarguy

    Let’s hope they try and break the blockade so that Israel can blow the boat to pieces.

  • Milhouse

    Shades of the Lusitania. Germany was 100% right to sink the Lusitania, and it had taken out a full page ad in the NY Times warning all passengers that the ship would be sunk, so every passenger who died got what they deserved; and nevertheless the USA ended up going to war over it. Hashem yerachem.

  • Critical of new York judges

    Shame on you, Ms. Walker. do you not understand that given a chance these people in Gaza and elsewhere would attempt to do to Israel what Stalin and Hitler could no accomplish. As Bibi stated: The problem for Israel is not that there would be a Palestine state, the problem for Israel is that it exists and that the Palestines cannot accept that fact.

  • Chaim Tovim

    If they use violence, they should be dealt with harshly, as any violent terrorist seeking to destroy Israel’s sovereignty.

  • to #1

    i wish there was a LIKE button and i could like ur comment 100 times

  • Their Flotilla will fail to breach

    We need to form a flotilla to stop this flotilla. may Hashem have mercy on us last time they tried this trick to grab media attention. A giant oil leak opened up in the gulf of Mexico.