Ovadia Yosef: Jews may not say ‘Oh My G-d’
Jerusalem Post
ISRAEL — Rabbi Ovadia Yosef expanded on the Biblical commandment “Thou shalt not take God’s name in vain” on Monday, declaring that Jews may not do so in other languages as well.
This makes saying “Oh my God” or the Arabic “Ya Allah,” both popular Israeli slang terms, halachically forbidden.
Yosef explained that the “the prohibition is against saying His name when it is not in the context of a blessing or a prayer. We prefer to be stringent and apply the prohibition to languages like English or Arabic.”
So what’s the chiddush?
It is his psakim and the antics of Shas which often lead people to say “oh my gd!!!”
With respect to R’ Ovadia, he is not the posek for Chabad and this does not need to be on this site.
This is the posek who said that women who wear sheitels will go to gehinnom r”l in complete contradiction to our Rebbe’s words
that-s why my friends and i say
or just “o.m.g.” but not the word G-d!
holy moses
Come on Rabbi get a life, there are more important things than saying oh my G-D. What about the rest of the commandments. Like thou shall not steal. Or tho shall not kill, even embarrassing somebody is like killing him. What about adultery, does that that not count, or life is to great with it. I believe there are six more. What about not smoking, let alone on Shabbbos, doesn’t it say keep the Shabbbos holy. Come on Rabbi pick the good ones to comment on. I’m sorry if I came on too strong, but the truth is the truth.
Nothing new here. This was the Rebbe’s position too.
This has been known, look it up.
This is normal halacha. Look it up in the 6th siman of the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch, siff 3. It is a good idea in general not to be loose with language in general.
Try opening a kitzur shulchan aruch and you’ll find it spelled out clearly in halacha.
To 5
Please do your research before you comment. It is a big issue, and in fact the concept of writing G-d (in such a manner), promoted by the Freidiker Rebbe and Rebbe, is based on the same din.
Not new. Also, no reason he should talk about one mitzvah and not another [no 5]. Also, is that half time at the superbowl? Go Rabbi!
The gaon said what he had to say! people, sadly including myself use this phrase too often, i could use a bit of a reminder, that was all he was addressing. He is a great Torah Scholar, and even though he doesnt Pasken for Lubavitchers, he still has a great mind and theres no reason to listen to him when he’s right.
yea, but to convert people to Judaism not halachically is ok????
No Mas
What about the Spanish word “ojala” – loosely translated as “halle-vai” – it’s etymology is from the Moors influence in Spain, hence the Arabic similarity?
to comment #5
you cant say “kal hatora kula” in 5 minutes
a fan of Rav ovadya
please all of you who write against Rav ovadya Just don’t be self center and see everything from the eyes of chabad
is saying OMG ok
#3, chossid shoteh
chabad does not have its own Torah- we dont have our own set of halachos- the 10 commandments were given to chabad as well.
in addition, this man is a rov- if you have no respect- you should be ashamed and writing about it mkes you look like a disrespectful fool.
it shouldnt be hard to read this without producing a negative rsponse. please
theres a problem with saying oh my gosh too because it stands for good old sheaperd.
Doent Yalah mean lets go?