Clash of the All-Stars: USA Crushes Canada
It was an epic showdown Sunday, two all-star teams from Canada and USA faced off in a three game series of softball in Syracuse, NY. The teams were made up of the best players of the Crown Heights Softball League and Lubavitch players in the Toronto Softball League.
It became painfully clear that team Canada was out matched and out powered by team USA in the first inning of the first game, with USA cycling their lineup and pulling ahead to a 11-0 lead.
The only drawback, loosing Zevi Steinhauser to an injury while running to second base, with the injury serious enough to worry the Red Heifers and their championship aspirations.
Towards the end of game 1 Avremi Metal made a spectacular play, dashing out any hopes for Canada to get back into the game. With the bases loaded Metal made an amazing leap catching a hard hit line drive making the third out.
Game 1 ended with a score of 15-4 to USA, and credit goes to pitcher Danny Cole who dominated the Canadian lineup.
Final score for game 2 was 8-1 to USA, with credit going to pitcher Chesky Herz.
Game 3 ended with a score of 16-11 to USA, and was by far the closest, starting pitcher was Mendy Herz, and was later replaced by closer Danny Cole who shut down the Canadian Offence.
After USA took their victories the families enjoyed a barbeque together.
Team USA
Zevi Steinhauser
Chezky Herz
Danny Cole
Mendy Herz
Zevi Katz
Mordy Rosenblum
Shmuly Weiss
Sruly Aidelman
Avermi Metal
Yankel Ezagui
Yitzy Cole
Team Canada:
Shua Cole
Shmuli Fuchs
Daniel Holland
Nachman Forer
Chanochi Parshan
Tzvi Kaye
Yossi Goldman
Ari Weiss
Shmuli Wachtel
Avraimel Itzkovitz
Dovi Wachtel
ylt bocher
if i aint mistaken danny cole is from torontoand is also shuas bro!
A Yankel Fan
Go Yankele!
I heard Canada was missing half their team. i think a rematch for next year should definitely happen.
Where are the champion Mulles ? Lipa ? Chesky ?
why aren’t there any pics of the Cole Bros?
Chezky hertz wins MVP for only allowing 1 run in his game, with danny allowed 4 and mendy allowed more then 4.
chezky when will we see you in the majors?
mvp who?
Appaently number 6 cant even spell the guys name….
mvp who?
Majors? hello can u snap back in to the REAL WORLD!
As in every record in baseball this is no different, Zevi you would be remiss not to place an * on this win(s) as well. What would have been fair is to switch the ball after the game and not wait till you built the momentum after two games using your own ball.
PS. You won bc as usual the Canadians were polite to your outrageous demand.
Comment 9.
Ma Zeh Asterisk Remiss and polite?
We dont speaketh that way….
Why is the pitcher wearing a face mask?? Was Chezky batting?
Wish I could-ve been there.
Nice achdus!
cheer leader!
GO Wachtels!!!!
in some leagues pitchers wear a MASK to that a ball it right at them doesn’t kill them…..and every player was in the line up.
huge fan
HERTS – HERTZ – HERZ its all the same, chezky you you the bomb!! keep it up and to 7 & 8 stop hatin!!
Your fan in Jerusalem
Coles – I love it!!!
tzneous cheerleaders
whawt does everyone think??
tu b-Av
hey we could have dressed up in white and danced around the fields!!
~~the tu bAv cheerleaders
go mordy and zevi! go skullcaps
Its gotta be the cleats!
Zevi I think u should stick to the fantasy sports, real sports just isn’t good for ur health, anyways glad to see make the trip for a game of ball
“Run out and just do the chair”
to number 7
APPARENTLY, when you’re dissing someone about their inability to spell, it’s good to be able to spell the first word correctly. just saying.
Mordechai Milotay
Love the Lubob baseball shirt. Where can I get one?