By John Doyle for the New York Post

FAMILY AFFAIR: Frumet Teitelbaum, whose rabbi husband was killed by terrorists in Mumbai in 2008, confers with lawyer Michael Wildes in his Manhattan office.

The widow of a Brooklyn-born rabbi, murdered two years ago by terrorists in Mumbai, is facing an immigration nightmare that threatens to keep her from seeing her eight children in New York.

Terror-Widow ‘Deport’ Fear – Kid-Visit Woe After Mumbai

By John Doyle for the New York Post
FAMILY AFFAIR: Frumet Teitelbaum, whose rabbi husband was killed by terrorists in Mumbai in 2008, confers with lawyer Michael Wildes in his Manhattan office.

The widow of a Brooklyn-born rabbi, murdered two years ago by terrorists in Mumbai, is facing an immigration nightmare that threatens to keep her from seeing her eight children in New York.

Frumet Teitelbaum, 37, an Israeli citizen, was stopped by US Customs and Border Protection agents at Kennedy Airport after flying in from Israel on Feb. 5.

Since her husband’s murder, Frumet, a religious-studies teacher, had been regularly traveling without problems from her home in Israel to the US to visit her children, ages 2 to 14, who are staying with her husband’s family in Borough Park, Brooklyn. The kids, all American citizens, are being schooled in New York.

But Frumet’s frequent travels finally raised a red flag with Customs officials, who cited her for overusing her visitor’s visa, said her lawyer, Michael Wildes.

Frumet’s valid travel visa was consequently stamped with restrictions limiting her time in the United States and making it difficult for her to extend her stay or secure residency here, Wildes said.

She must leave the country again early next month. Otherwise, she faces possible deportation, authorities said.

Immigration and Customs officials said they could not discuss specifics of Teitelbaum’s case because of privacy laws.

Teitelbaum was living in Jerusalem with her husband, Rabbi Leibish Teitelbaum, 37, in 2008 when he traveled to Mumbai, India, for his work as a mashgiach, a supervisor and inspector of kosher foods.

The rabbi was studying in the Chabad Center, a Jewish religious retreat, when Muslim terrorists attacked the compound and slaughtered him and seven others. The attack was part of a coordinated onslaught throughout the city that lasted 60 hours and claimed the lives of 179 people.

One Customs official said agents have the authority to approve or deny entry into the country and impose restrictions on a case-by-case basis.

Wildes said he plans to bring a race-against-the-clock appeal to Immigration Court and fight for her under a post-9/11 law that gives the families of terrorist victims the right to a green card and permanent residency.

“Nobody in her situation should be worried about legal affairs or papers, and should not be treated in this fashion. I have faith that the immigration authorities will do the right thing,” Wildes said.

FAMILY AFFAIR: Frumet Teitelbaum, whose rabbi husband was killed by terrorists in Mumbai in 2008, confers with lawyer Michael Wildes in his Manhattan office.


  • amen

    our prayers are with u – u have been through enough pls gd hashem will answer ur prayers and u shuld live a happy and healthy life from here on

  • Only hatzlacha and all good

    Hashem should give immediate hatzlacha in this issue. She has had her fair share of tzorus and should be bentched over and over – for the loss of her husband – a korban of the Jewish people – who gave his life towards the closer arrival of Moshiach tzidkainu.

  • chaya chohen

    mrs.teitelboim moved to the u.s.afew month ago with her children ,probebly nex to her husband family .the childrens american because there father obm was american ,but she is aisraeli, so that why she has to go back ans fourth because the visa ,but coman people , she and her chidren are teror victams ,dont you think that the amigraition should live her alone ?let her live in peace full with her children,and eventaliy ,she should have the ligaly papers threw her children .she should have only happines in her life,

  • to crown heights wrote:

    to crown heights wrote:

    why must you ask dumb questions?why??