JERUSALEM, Israel — For the past 10 days, the State of Israel has been waging a battle against the New York Times, for what it calls tendentious and unfair coverage of the Jewish state.
Israel Wages Battle Against ‘NY Times’
JERUSALEM, Israel — For the past 10 days, the State of Israel has been waging a battle against the New York Times, for what it calls tendentious and unfair coverage of the Jewish state.
At the focus of the storm is the Goldstone report. Recently, there were many exchanges between the newspaper’s journalists and editors with Israel Foreign Ministry representatives, and yesterday the Israeli delegation in the UN sent an official complaint to the newspaper’s editorial board.
The complaint, signed by the Israel UN delegation’s spokeswoman, Mirit Cohen, says that the newspaper uses subjective negative language about Israel and failed in writing fair and accurate coverage.
The complaint also states: “Again and again we encounter distorted phraseology that is liable to cause the innocent reader to think that the report found definitive proof that Israel committed war crimes in Gaza. This is a report that is flawed from the outset, which gives legitimacy to a terror organization that fires missiles at innocent civilians. The New York Times’s bias in ignoring this reality requires reexamination”, wrote Cohen.
The New York Times has yet to respond to the Israeli government’s unprecedented attack on the New York Times.
good for them!!!! it’s about time! completely unfair and biased coverage!
cheflady of the anash
It is about time- I stopped reading it a long time ago. The NYT ought to be ashamed of themselves for the lies they report. Liberal anti-semitism parading as journalism.
NON Bias
Thats why I stopped reading their paper years ago. All Jews should boycott their paper.
It-s long in coming
about time they stood up for themselves
der kohein der tatte
long overdue the nyt gets a patch it deserves.
This paper has an agenda set by its funding sources: Arabs and ”cultural relativists“ (AKA ”lovers of Arabs“).
It’s that simple.
Same with the ”Middle Eastern Studies” Departments of 99 percent of the universities in the western world.
But I guess it’s progress to see this reported on; thanks,
New York Times is run by Amalekites!
This needed to be done.
The NY Times is run by hateful people who really have no compunction about lying.